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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

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Kuro_Neko_13 said:
i bet this guy has an iphone or itouch and just loves it to death, even though it has crappy games that are for "teh casualz", & no good real games

Yeah, standards are not about logic for these people.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Due to my personal preferences I'd say more titles have come out on PC/PS3/360 than Wii that I'm buying, but equally plenty have released for Wii too that I've bought, too.

Nothing worthwhile since 2007 seems... off. I wonder what kind of titles he was expecting? It's his blog and opinion, so fair enough, but I feel his expectations for the console's library may be part of the issue - but he acknowledges that himself, so again fair enough I suppose.

I do agree that the Wii has proven to be a mixed back for some titles, but then so was PS2 and pretty much any other console, ever.

Look at ICO and Beyond Good & Evil - 2 of the best titles ever released on PS2 IMHO, critical darlings both, and both failed in terms of sales. Mind you, they shouldn't have, get out and buy a copy now.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Reasonable said:
Due to my personal preferences I'd say more titles have come out on PC/PS3/360 than Wii that I'm buying, but equally plenty have released for Wii too that I've bought, too.

Nothing worthwhile since 2007 seems... off. I wonder what kind of titles he was expecting? It's his blog and opinion, so fair enough, but I feel his expectations for the console's library may be part of the issue - but he acknowledges that himself, so again fair enough I suppose.

I do agree that the Wii has proven to be a mixed back for some titles, but then so was PS2 and pretty much any other console, ever.

Look at ICO and Beyond Good & Evil - 2 of the best titles ever released on PS2 IMHO, critical darlings both, and both failed in terms of sales. Mind you, they shouldn't have, get out and buy a copy now.

It's funny you say that, because didn't Ico sell 900k copies? And as we are discussing The Conduit here, will the Conduit ever reach 900,000 copies? Did Ico cost more to develop? I doubt it, it was a launch PS2 game. Therefore, if The Conduit is a success, then Ico is as well, right?

EDIT: It sold 700k. But my point still stands.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Sad thing is I actually agree with the writer, although I'd adjust the date to first half of '08... Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were the last two worthwhile games on the Wii for me, even though I detest Brawl with the exception of its epic soundtrack.

How he feels about the Wii when compared to all the previous Ninty consoles is pretty much how I feel about it now.

And I lol'ed at that last pic where the writer closes the article by citing Mega Man 3 as the best game ever... so random!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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"Agree with us or we will destroy you"
Sounds like christians.

...Some (most) of people who actually have played other consoles than Wii, just hate Wii.Some old school kids who started with Marios, Metal Gears, Final Fantasys feel so diffrent than those who started with Wii fits. Wii Plays, Wii Musics.



Take my love, take my land..

Oh ... my ... god ...

This guy is actually a Nintendo editor at IGN? That's just ...

NightDragon83 said:
Sad thing is I actually agree with the writer, although I'd adjust the date to first half of '08... Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were the last two worthwhile games on the Wii for me, even though I detest Brawl with the exception of its epic soundtrack.

How he feels about the Wii when compared to all the previous Ninty consoles is pretty much how I feel about it now.

And I lol'ed at that last pic where the writer closes the article by citing Mega Man 3 as the best game ever... so random!

Well if you want Ninty's quality games it's obvious there are just a few avery year...Nintendo is able to create unique games, you cannot use them as a standard. IMO there were 2-3 fantastic games every year, 5-6 great games and more than 10 worthwhile games...the IGN's writer uses Mario Galaxy as a standard, isn't it the 2nd highest rated game of all time? It's like saying that N64 didn't have worthwhile games exept of TLoZ:OoT.

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)


Considering he’s an editor at IGN shouldn’t he know about the system a bit better than that? Yeah he’s allowed his opinion but it sounds like his opinion is based on incomplete knowledge. – which for an editor is a bit shocking.

Nintendo hasn’t done everything I’ve wanted them too neither since the launch of the Wii , but to say Metroid Prime 3 Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy are the only good games for the system is a bit ridiculous.

This game didnt come out?  MOTHERFUCKER! 


I didnt finish this game twice either?

Me and my girlfriend didnt play through this either?


Ok come on now, I got those three games THIS year.  I know IGN is doing it for clicks as well Matt being a bitter little shit, but come the fuck on people THERES GAMES FOR ALL SYSTEMS.  Getting tired of reading this ""Dur hur no games for X system""  Yes there are idiots, its being three years since they came out and theres at least five solid games for each system.


Oh Btw please try the last game the most, its really a good game.