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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

dougsdad0629 said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
dougsdad0629 said:
Quote of the article for me.

"What I don't think they accounted for is the fact that the audience they're catering to won't always be there. If you're a casual gamer, you're just that. Your interest in gaming could be as ephemeral as your interest in a new television show. Sony and Microsoft know that their core audience will be there in five years. Nintendo just can't say the same thing."

This quote is stupid.

At least half the core gamers of the PS2 went to the XBOX360 and a bit of those + casuals went to the wii.

It proves that you can't trust or rely on any segment of gamers. Sony can testify on that point. Nintendo learnt it too with the N-64 and more so with the GC. That's why they're doing the wii!


On topic: The value of a game is subjectif. The editor of the article isn't too objectif. I hope this doesn't come through when doing his job. But i fear it will, seeing the 'wii-dislike - sometimes hate' on the net.


A bit of an exaggeration, IMO.  I believe there's a very large portion of the PS2 audience that was waiting for the PS3 price to drop to a more traditional price point ($299).

Is it?

Look at the salesnumbers of the Xbox360. How many core gamers do you think there are? Out of the PS2 (-+130 million)? A core game like GTA: SA sold like 15 million out of 130 million. How big would the core be? i would guess 40 million max? (It is impossible to get accurate numbers for it.)

By now, most of the core ones would already have a PS3. Those who don't probably by choice. They would have had a long time to save for it.

Remeber most people own only one console. This generation it might be a bit more then the last. But still mostly one console.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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dougsdad0629 said:

How about more buttons or a dual analog option for people to have as an alternative?  I'm talking about choices here.  It would have allowed developers to give players choices of control schemes either because the motion controls were poorly implemented or just because the player wanted a more traditional interface.  Take Red Steel for example.  Very poor controls.  However, if people had had an option to use dual analog controls for movement and a button press for sword fighting, the game would have been more fun for some people.  Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Metroid had great FPS controls and probably didn't need the option of other control schemes, but more options are always good.  I'm sure people can think of other examples.

I suppose a "more buttons" controller may have been feasible: the Wii's doing a pretty good job of showing that exclusive controllers don't always fracture the userbase as much as we once thought (Balance Board, Motion+, etc.). It'd be counter to the very philosophy of the Wii though, soI can't really fault them for excluding that. It just seems to me that the Wiimote+nunchuck has enough buttons to get most jobs done.

Your example of Red Steel is a good one: if the developers had made the controls more like the other games you mentioned, a Dual Analogue controller wouldn't be necessary in the first place. Even replacing the sword with a button would be counter-productive: leaving aside how most folks only cared about the game because they got to swing their controller around like a sword, replacing those actions with a button or two would lead to canned actions that can also be done with motion controls. Basically, there's no gain there.

hsrob said:
Mr Khan said:

I just like when these people try and carefully establish their credentials as one-time Nintendo fans so that they can post their bullshit with a straight face. It makes it look like the former Nintendo fans are more vehemently anti-Wii than the old corps of Nintendo haters (i.e., Nintendo haters who originated from some time prior to Wii's release)

This is kind of how i feel too along with the person who asked where were all Nintendo's hardcore fans last gen?  Nintendo clearly had to do something different this generation and anyone who is a long time fan of Nintendo has to concede this point.

I really think part of the problem this generation, unlike previous generations, is that not all gaming experiences can be had on a single box which seems to be confusing for a certain number of people.  The PS1 and PS2 were so dominant in sales that they got the vast majority of major software releases and they could be realistically viewed as one stop gaming shops (for everything except Nintendo first party).  You could buy a PS and love it because it provided you with pretty much every kind of game you could want. 

Fast forward to this generation where the same can't be said for any of the consoles and people who have grown up only needing a single system to satsify their gaming needs are a little at sea in today's era of divided software supremacy.  If you buy a single system this generation you are going to be missing out on some great games, buy two systems this generation and you are still going to miss out on a fair number of great games.  Some people have to make a decision on which single console to purchase this generation, like myself, but at least i can acknowledge that i am missing out on some great other games. Yet there are people who want to convince you that one system is software dominant this generation and that it deserves your undivided devotion, that the 360 or the PS3 or the Wii doesn't need to be part of your gaming equation.  These, i feel, are the people who are indulging in self-deception.

Do not forget the portables in your equation. Those systems have great games that should not be missed.



If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


ShadowSoldier said:
I totally agree. I don't know why people are being so sensitive about this...maybe because deep down you know it's true? Outside of Smash Bros and possibly Muramasa the Wii hasn't really drawn me to its library. I have all consoles and right now the PS3 and 360 are fighting for the number 1 spot. Followed by the DS followed by the PSP followed by My Car followed by My Girl followed by Finding a better job followed by School and then the Wii. It's just there.

I don't get the hate this man gets for writing a frickin opinion piece. What he's saying is true. Nintendo's First Party studios suck when compared to the NES-SNES-N64-Gamecube eras. They frickin suck when compared to their old selves. It even seems they don't even give a rats ass anymore because casual gamers will just end up buying crap any way.

And really Nintendo sees no need right now to improve it's first party offerings because they're making enough money to not care. I wonder what would the sales be for Nintendo next gen if they come in last? how big would the distance be between them and 2nd and 1st. Ill tell you this right now if Ninty comes in last next gen they won't even past Gamecube numbers


People aren't "sensitive" about it. It's just WRONG.


And what people are upset about, is that ONCE AGAIN THE GAMING MEDIA REVEALS IT'S TRUE FEELINGS ABOUT THE WII. This is stuff that people who are Nintendo fans have been clamoring about for the last half-decade, and was dismissed by all the fans of the other consoles. Now it's out on the table, and we're just supposed to be happy that he has an opinion.


The gaming outlets should NOT be voicing opinions on things like this, as they SHOULD be trying to be fair and impartial as mediators of gaming and reviewing products. If you know that a reviewer hates sci-fi, would you ever want to hear what they have to say about the latest sci-fi release? 



Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

'So much promise. So little of it actually delivered.'.


It's pretty poor that arguably the most creative, unique, and original Wii experience is Wii Fit.

Very few third parties have the balls to try and give us anything new, despite Nintendo claiming that the platform is a haven for experimentation due to the so called low dev costs. Then Nintendo contradict themselves by churning out endless sequels to established franchises.

The platform has become a contradiction as the casuals aren't interested in creativity, and the 'gamer' audience simply isn't there.

PSN - hanafuda

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RolStoppable said:
dougsdad0629 said:
noname2200 said:


As such, I'll limit myself to pointing out that there is nothing the Classic Controller can do that the Wiimote+Nunchuk can't also do, so this plea is pretty meaningless. It'd have saved me fifteen bucks though, so I guess I'd be down with that.


How about more buttons or a dual analog option for people to have as an alternative?  I'm talking about choices here.  It would have allowed developers to give players choices of control schemes either because the motion controls were poorly implemented or just because the player wanted a more traditional interface.  Take Red Steel for example.  Very poor controls.  However, if people had had an option to use dual analog controls for movement and a button press for sword fighting, the game would have been more fun for some people.  Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Metroid had great FPS controls and probably didn't need the option of other control schemes, but more options are always good.  I'm sure people can think of other examples.

Since the very first day, there's nothing to prevent third party developers from offering CC support in their games. Gamers who want to play with the CC can choose to do so, provided the developer implemented that option. So clearly, what you are talking about is the fault of third parties, not Nintendo.

More importantly, packing in a CC with every console would have worked counterproductive to the Wii. Third parties would have had the option to completely ignore the Wiimote/Nunchuk and offer CC controls only, making the Wii controller feel like an addon. Now if Nintendo would have said that third parties have to implement Wii controls, despite a CC being packed in, they would been called out by third parties for being bad to work with (which third parties did anyway, Nintendo simply can't win in any scenario).


Exactly, Rol. And some 3rd party games do support both control schemes, such as the Dragonball Z games, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and so forth.


But really, Red Steel is still better than any dual analogue control in an fps. I'd take Red Steel controls or a pc over dual analogue's best-it-could-do any day.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

hanafuda said:
'So much promise. So little of it actually delivered.'.


It's pretty poor that arguably the most creative, unique, and original Wii experience is Wii Fit.

Very few third parties have the balls to try and give us anything new, despite Nintendo claiming that the platform is a haven for experimentation due to the so called low dev costs. Then Nintendo contradict themselves by churning out endless sequels to established franchises.

The platform has become a contradiction as the casuals aren't interested in creativity, and the 'gamer' audience simply isn't there.


The gamer audience is there. Don't delude yourself. Most polls show that 360 and PS3 owners also own a Wii.


And Nintendo would be stupid to not turn out sequels to franchises. The difference from the other companies being, that most of those sequels take direct advantage of the Wii's uniqueness.


Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Shanobi said:
ShadowSoldier said:
I totally agree. I don't know why people are being so sensitive about this...maybe because deep down you know it's true? Outside of Smash Bros and possibly Muramasa the Wii hasn't really drawn me to its library. I have all consoles and right now the PS3 and 360 are fighting for the number 1 spot. Followed by the DS followed by the PSP followed by My Car followed by My Girl followed by Finding a better job followed by School and then the Wii. It's just there.

I don't get the hate this man gets for writing a frickin opinion piece. What he's saying is true. Nintendo's First Party studios suck when compared to the NES-SNES-N64-Gamecube eras. They frickin suck when compared to their old selves. It even seems they don't even give a rats ass anymore because casual gamers will just end up buying crap any way.

And really Nintendo sees no need right now to improve it's first party offerings because they're making enough money to not care. I wonder what would the sales be for Nintendo next gen if they come in last? how big would the distance be between them and 2nd and 1st. Ill tell you this right now if Ninty comes in last next gen they won't even past Gamecube numbers


People aren't "sensitive" about it. It's just WRONG.

And moreover, if an IGN editor posted an article entitled "No worthwhile PS3 games have released since 2007" or "No worthwhile 360 games have released since 2007," you can expect people would react just about the same as they do to this.

Wii/PC/DS Lite/PSP-2000 owner, shameless Nintendo and AMD fanboy.

My comp, as shown to the right (click for fullsize pic)

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz
Video Card: XFX 1 GB Radeon HD 5870
Memory: 8 GB A-Data DDR3-1600
Motherboard: ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3
Primary Storage: OCZ Vertex 120 GB
Case: Cooler Master HAF-932
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Extra Storage: WD Caviar Black 640 GB,
WD Caviar Black 750 GB, WD Caviar Black 1 TB
Display: Triple ASUS 25.5" 1920x1200 monitors
Sound: HT Omega Striker 7.1 sound card,
Logitech X-540 5.1 speakers
Input: Logitech G5 mouse,
Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard
Wii Friend Code: 2772 8804 2626 5138 Steam: jefforange89

Ah, another rant at Nintendo and the Wii for the failings of 3rd parties.

Never gets old.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Well, that's not true. The last Wii game worth buying was in April 2008. The next one will be Galaxy 2 or Other M, whichever comes out first.