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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii 10 mln. or PS3 5 mln. in Japan. Who first?

It`s actually 39,960, so practically 40k.
And with Famitsu 50k, the average is at 45k.
Anyway, 40k with MC and 50k with Famitsu is within 40-50k+ range.

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ZorroX said:
It`s actually 39,960, so practically 40k.
And with Famitsu 50k, the average is at 45k.
Anyway, 40k with MC and 50k with Famitsu is within 40-50k+ range.

Yes but it is definately going down then. Famitsu numbers made it look like it almost wasn´t dropping at all which was very surprising. I now feel more certain that it will continue dropping the coming weeks.

Then it will see small spikes with a few softwarereleases along the way up to the holidays and FF13 which should be huge.

But it will surely drop to levels of perhaps under 30 k up until then. It will not stabilize at 40-50 k per week.

150k - 60k - 56k - 50k
It`s famitsu numbers, if i`m correct.
Anyway, this week 3 new PS3 games are being released. That will prevent PS3 from significant drop and PS3 will remain in 40-50k+ range.
40-50k this week is still not 30-35k like many predicted.

According to first day sales, it doesn't look like Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce are going to do much for PS3 hardware sales. That won't sustain the 45k average it had among the 3 trackers from last week.

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ZorroX said:
150k - 60k - 56k - 50k
It`s famitsu numbers, if i`m correct.
Anyway, this week 3 new PS3 games are being released. That will prevent PS3 from significant drop and PS3 will remain in 40-50k+ range.
40-50k this week is still not 30-35k like many predicted.

Yes it is doing better than what I and many other predicted but it IS starting to drop in sales. Both Famitsu and Media Create agree on that fact even if MC is showing a much lower number than Famitsu. Next week I think PS3 will continue to fall because those new games released this week won´t do anything for it. The first day sales for the games are too low to drive any hardware.

Famitsu which seems to track PS3 at the higher end at the moment could have PS3 at 40-45 k next week (could very well be lower though) and I bet on Media Create to have it at 30-35 k next week (or possibly lower). Combined that would make it around 35 k next week and it will continue to drop even further after that.

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Just don`t forget, that Famitsu still had PS3 at 50k.
And you people expect PS3 to sell less with new releases, rather than with no new releases?
40k Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
24k Dynasty Warriors
16k Trinity Universe

Well, we will see.
Next week will be especially interesting, since also Wii pricecut effect.

ZorroX said:

Just don`t forget, that Famitsu still had PS3 at 50k.
And you people expect PS3 to sell less with new releases, rather than with no new releases?
40k Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
24k Dynasty Warriors
16k Trinity Universe

Well, we will see.
Next week will be especially interesting, since also Wii pricecut effect.

The hardware numbers show that PS3 has started to drop (even Famitsu), Media Create had it dropping 11k this week and Famistu 5k. There is no question that it is falling. And yes I do expect PS3 hardware numbers to go down further next week. Those releases are nothing that will drive hardware sales. The trend is pointing to dropping sales (which is to be expected) and for that to stop there needs to be big software releses and those released this week aren´t. I also expect PS3 sales to be somewhat effected by the Wii and PSP pricecuts.

MC's numbers made more sense to me, not just for PS3 but for Wii as well. The Price drop announcement would have prevented the Wii from suffering such a small drop as reported by famitsu and more in line with the 10-11k MC has reported. And maintaining 50k is a wonderful acheivement, but seems unlikely but oh well it is what it is.

Oh, but according to MC ZorroX lost his bet ;)

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Arius Dion said:
MC's numbers made more sense to me, not just for PS3 but for Wii as well. The Price drop announcement would have prevented the Wii from suffering such a small drop as reported by famitsu and more in line with the 10-11k MC has reported. And maintaining 50k is a wonderful acheivement, but seems unlikely but oh well it is what it is.

Oh, but according to MC ZorroX lost his bet ;)

I agree.  I knew MC was gonna have it significantly lower because 50k just didn't make since.  And it makes since for Wii to be lower as well.

I am going to vote PS3 will reach 5 millions before Wii hits 10 millions..


If both console hit the holydays with the  same level of sales I would think both will experience the same kind of holydays boost...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !