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Forums - Sales Discussion - Worldwide Up!!! (Sept 19, 2009)

BladeOfGod said:
Kantor said:
BladeOfGod said:
kowenicki said:
darthdevidem01 said:
kowenicki said:

god damn brits?? excuse me??

from his post it seems like he lives in mainland EU

maybe he's angry we still refuse to change our currency lol

Could be one of those that cant forgive us for saving their arse twice perhaps??

from who? and when?

World War II could be one, perhaps WWI?

Didnt americans saved english in WW2?


If Americans didnt help English, you would be speaking my language now

Generalising much? England saved... er? Itself. Americans saved west coastal line, actually if you look at Europe as of now, most of it was rescued by Russians.

EDIT: 2 late

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

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Only on VGC could a discussion of weekly sales turn into a World War II debate o_O

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Only on VGC could a discussion of weekly sales turn into a World War II debate o_O

That's why I'm starting to like this site ;)

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

aragod said:
BladeOfGod said:
Kantor said:
BladeOfGod said:
kowenicki said:
darthdevidem01 said:
kowenicki said:

god damn brits?? excuse me??

from his post it seems like he lives in mainland EU

maybe he's angry we still refuse to change our currency lol

Could be one of those that cant forgive us for saving their arse twice perhaps??

from who? and when?

World War II could be one, perhaps WWI?

Didnt americans saved english in WW2?


If Americans didnt help English, you would be speaking my language now

Generalising much? England saved... er? Itself. Americans saved west coastal line, actually if you look at Europe as of now, most of it was rescued by Russians.

EDIT: 2 late

didnt americans helped the english to win The D- Day

kowenicki said:

Yes...amongst others, D-day was brutal..... we were invading a continent for god sake. It needed lots of allied forces, not just Brits and US.

I'm intrigued as to how they teach WW2 in German schools if at all? and how they teach kids about the Holocaust, final solution etc etc?

they are teaching students about WW2 the same way US and UK do. Remember, winner writes the history.

And you werent really invading the continent, just Normandy

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kowenicki said:
@Blade Of God

are you saying you dont agree with the history as it is being put across to students?

Oh hell, dogmatism at it's best...

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

kowenicki said:
@Blade Of God

are you saying you dont agree with the history as it is being put across to students?

i never said that

Judging by the NA and Jap totals it's looking like a sub 200k week next week. I still predict similar levels of figures for the PS3 by end of October that it was getting in the Summer despite supposedly "great" games on the horizon for it soon, I just don't see these games as system sellers at all. In fact with the exception of GT5, FF and GoW the PS3 has no system sellers

"...the best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

"Hey, Steve, just because you broke into Xerox's house before I did and took the TV doesn't mean I can't go in later and take the stereo." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

Bill Gates had Mac prototypes to work from, and he was known to be obsessed with trying to make Windows as good as SAND (Steve's Amazing New Device), as a Microsoft exec named it. It was the Mac that Microsoft took for its blueprint on how to make a GUI.


""Windows [n.] - A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.""

This point of this thread is dead...thanks aragod.

OT: I'm fairly certain the PS3 could get a good boost in the US when Uncharted 2 releases. R&CF: A Crack in Time could help this, too. But until then, NA sales for the PS3 will only drop more and more. But the PS3 is looking very healthy in the Others regions and Japan.

As for what effects the Modern Warfare 2 bundle will have on the US and what effects the ACII bundle will have in Europe, we'll see.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

PS3 wins three worldwide sales weeks in a row and is on a roll. PS3 Slim @ $299 has been the magical bullet. More than 1.1 million PS3s have been sold for the first three weeks of September.