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Forums - Sony Discussion - If EDGE gives Uncharted 2 anything less than 9.5, there will be mayhem!!

sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
Seece please, wouldn't you find it bad if Edge gave Halo 3 or L4D a 6/10?

Think about it. A game as great as MGS4 getting 8/10 is just complete bias.

Are you serious?

STFU.......there have been 11 reviews giving mgs 4 an 80%.

And most of those reviewers that gave MGS4 an 80% were probaly biased. Unlike professional reviewers e.g ign, gamespot, gametrailers who gave it the score it deserved.

Where were you when Gamecritics gave halo 3 a 70?

@Bolded: I was probably at home or at school or something . Anyways, they are biased too, because I know Halo 3 isn't a 7/10.

But those same reviewers gave mgs 4 an 80% a score that you consider bias.

How can someone be bias both ways?

They could be biased towards the PS3 and 360 but they may favour the Wii. But I don't really want to talk about them, they seem like some small-time gaming website.

But that same website gave twilight princess an 8/10.....

To be honest, I don't care. Stop giving me review scores from some small-time website.

Just incase you took me too seriously, they might favour PC gaming and hate everything else.

Ill stop when you stop spreading your review bias BS.......if you have no rebuttle just say so.......


Ok Edge are not biased, they are completely valid reviewers. Infact they're so good that they rate every PS3 exclusive alot lower than what it deserves. Nope not biased reviewers at all, no-siree.


Please dont give kungfu magic any attention, he has nothing good to do other than spread nonsense. I suggest you learn from seece and quit while your ahead

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What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...


Magnific0 said:
dsister44 said:
Magnific0 said:

Ummm, I just noticed and I doubt anybody did...

The thread title says "if Edge gives Uncharted 2 less than 9.5"....well THEY CERTAINLY WILL unless they give it a 10 (very VERY unlikely) because they don't give .5 scores LOL at you megaman!

Umm... We noticed that awhile ago. Please read the whole thread before commenting

Read all this bullshit , no thanks!

lol, your smarter than me

"I suggest you learn from seece and quit while your ahead "

You mean stop beating a dead horse, or w/e the phrase is.

I got bored, your threads are rubbish these days.


megaman.2. said:
darthdevidem01 said:
megaman.2. said:
darthdevidem01 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
Seece please, wouldn't you find it bad if Edge gave Halo 3 or L4D a 6/10?

Think about it. A game as great as MGS4 getting 8/10 is just complete bias.

Are you serious?

STFU.......there have been 11 reviews giving mgs 4 an 80%.

And most of those reviewers that gave MGS4 an 80% were probaly biased. Unlike professional reviewers e.g ign, gamespot, gametrailers who gave it the score it deserved.

Where were you when Gamecritics gave halo 3 a 70?

@Bolded: I was probably at home or at school or something . Anyways, they are biased too, because I know Halo 3 isn't a 7/10.

But those same reviewers gave mgs 4 an 80% a score that you consider bias.

How can someone be bias both ways?

Once again more proof this "XXX" review Site is BIASED against "XXX" console is absolute BS!

I think EDGE reviews says other wise - Killzone 2 (7/10) - Resistance 2 (6/10) Metal Gear solid 4 (8/10)

Were you not the one that always saysthat metal gear solid 4 is the greatest game of all time yet do not question it's score or that of previous ps3 exclusives.

No its not absolute BS! You should Leave this thread, you and Kantor have already ruined it with your talk about spamming.

Darth youre just jumping on the bandwagon good for you!

No Megaman.2.

I do not agree with this

their review of MGS4 is disgraceful as I feel its the best game ever

BUT have they EVER in their wording int he reviews "INSULTED" the PS3 in some way?

Many rviewers do that to wii (including IGN recently)

but have they done that to PS3? no

their words & their opinions towards those games earnt them their score......even if I don't agree with their opinions

Why would they insult the ps3? They are not reviewing the ps3 console but are insulting the exclusives of that console. If they did criticise the ps3 console than alarm bells will be raised they were not asked to review console but it's exclusive game which are they are not capable of doing PERIOD!

the reviews are their opinion of the game

read the WRITING bit & then look at the will seem fair

Also look at their mark scheme (8/10 I think mean.....very very good but adds no innovation to the genre)

With Killzone 2 maybe they felt it wasn't the "best" & it wasn't "innovating"

Remember they gave LBP a 10

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.


Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

I hope to God carl was joking

Comparing to Edge!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Seece said:
"I suggest you learn from seece and quit while your ahead "

You mean stop beating a dead horse, or w/e the phrase is.

I got bored, your threads are rubbish these days.

hahaha seece you've come back again, you should of have quite while your ahead. You sure make me laugh.

The last comment was uncalled for but than again I did not expect less from you the most notorious 360 fan lool

This is my first thread in ages what are you smoking seece??

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

megaman.2. said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
sabby_e17 said:
Seece please, wouldn't you find it bad if Edge gave Halo 3 or L4D a 6/10?

Think about it. A game as great as MGS4 getting 8/10 is just complete bias.

Are you serious?

STFU.......there have been 11 reviews giving mgs 4 an 80%.

And most of those reviewers that gave MGS4 an 80% were probaly biased. Unlike professional reviewers e.g ign, gamespot, gametrailers who gave it the score it deserved.

Where were you when Gamecritics gave halo 3 a 70?

@Bolded: I was probably at home or at school or something . Anyways, they are biased too, because I know Halo 3 isn't a 7/10.

But those same reviewers gave mgs 4 an 80% a score that you consider bias.

How can someone be bias both ways?

They could be biased towards the PS3 and 360 but they may favour the Wii. But I don't really want to talk about them, they seem like some small-time gaming website.

But that same website gave twilight princess an 8/10.....

To be honest, I don't care. Stop giving me review scores from some small-time website.

Just incase you took me too seriously, they might favour PC gaming and hate everything else.

Ill stop when you stop spreading your review bias BS.......if you have no rebuttle just say so.......


Ok Edge are not biased, they are completely valid reviewers. Infact they're so good that they rate every PS3 exclusive alot lower than what it deserves. Nope not biased reviewers at all, no-siree.


Please dont give kungfu magic any attention, he has nothing good to do other than spread nonsense. I suggest you learn from seece and quit while your ahead

I'll take your word and stop replying to him .

Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
What's funny is, everyone was quick to point the "Bias" finger with this review...

Yeah I wonder why .. its a completly unjustified score.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

It's still the guys opinion on the game.