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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do any of the Halo games deserve the popularity and critical acclaim?

I say maybe the first one but ultimately no.

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Personaly i loved the first one but the sequels single player stories never lived up to the original in my opinion. Hopefully ODST's will be the execption.

Yes they do, and this is a negative-ass troll thread.

Yes absolutely. Only real issues I ever had with the series was story progression which was not well done. But everything else in the series was great.

Don't make threads like these.


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What patapon said. Sorry you have to keep your personal opinions to yourself. Thats just how it is.

V-r0cK said:
What patapon said. Sorry you have to keep your personal opinions to yourself. Thats just how it is.

What he means is, you can share your opinions, just make sure that you explain why. For example, I don't like Halo because after spending a lot of time with the campaign, as well as the campaign in FPS X, I found Halo's campaign to be rather bland in comparison.

Obviously it doesn't have to be exactly like that, but you get the point.

OT: I find Halo to be a good series. I played the campaign on the first game and enjoyed it. It wasn't great, but I definitely enjoyed it. The multiplayer for the 2nd and 3rd however are among the best I've ever played. I would play them a lot more if I had a 360. They're right up there with Warhawk in terms of multiplayer, IMO. (Nothing beats Warhawk IMO. )

Overall, I'd say that they are to an extent, but there is a lot of truth to all the hype behind the series.

In short, yes. Given current sales/reviews of the Halo games, I don't really see the need to defend that.

I would counter: what is your hypothesis as to why the Halo series does have the sales and why they are consistently reviewed as very high quality games?

Hopefully your answer isn't "because I don't think it should".

What a sorry excuse for a thread.

Halo deserves its ratings just as much as any other game...

The same could be said for games like Uncharted... I played Tomb Raider Legend two weeks after finishing it and felt they were just about the same games... Not as good graphically though...

Or any of the sports games where really the biggest changes are the rosters each year...

Or SingStar

etc. etc.

Good gameplay is key, and Halo has FPS gameplay nailed. Even if the engine is out of date when compared to Gears or any other shooter for that matter.