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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Am I the only one who thinks FFVII Advent Children is boring?

I love the Final Fantasy games but I don't know why, evrytime I try to watch FFVII AC, I fall asleep. I watched the whole thing. I'm not just impressed. What are your thoughts?

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Becouse it is.
It's just fanservice for game fanatics with a really amazing animation.


The action scenes are fun. I love the Tifa fight and the ringtone right after.

Beyond those the movie is poo.

Final Fantasy is becoming overrated.

Yea,the Tifa fight was awesome but I just wished the story was more appealing

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With hindsight its boring, badly written and with a lot of annoying little things.

But at EU release I thought it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen.
I think you have to understand the mindset of the fans at the time. Going from the PS1 game to a gorgeous CG movie continuing the story was mind blowing.

you're all blacklisted for thinking this game isn't a treasure. I liked it- it's the only umd movie i own for the psp

i really like the movie but id change a few things like give the other characters more screen time red XIII only had 1 line in it

I didn't care for it, either.

Actually there are more people that thought Advent Children was boring than the ones who thought it was fun. What did I think? It was alright, but I have to, if it was anything other than FFVII I never would have cared about it.