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yeah smackdown lost a bit of enjoyability for me as well

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Tonight is Lilian Garcia final Monday Night RAW show.


Smackdown was poor last week because of three things:

Theodore Long

The Teddy Long kidnapping was horrible and predictable. The whole presentation of it all was just terrible; embarrassing.

Batista overall was just boring (per usual) but his match with Jericho was overwhemingly bad. It was so slow, like they were running a practice match. The crowd wasn't in it, and neither was I. It was just a horrible match, the worst I've seen in recent memory.

And Charlie Haas wrestling--why? Vince McMahon said he'd rather watch paint dry than see Haas wrestle, but yet he's still here. At least Dolph Ziggler was entertaining. I'd rather see the young guys now than Batista.

Mike Knox seems like he will make no progress too. Plus, the Hart Dynasty is not exciting to watch.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

yeah that undertaken abduistion thing was pure WWf 1995 cheese, I was pretty embarassed when my wife glanced up at that.

In other news Lacey Von Erich just signed a TNA contract!!

Mise said:
Kasz216 said:

It's a shame. Jeff like Matt had a strange ability to always be big with the fans even without any sort of push.

Just another sign though that wrestling in general is kinda messed up.

Agreed. Hell, I read Bret Hart's book a while back, and if his stories are anywhere close to truth - and I personally believe they are - wrestling is a really fucked up business in general.

As much as people don't want it... they should really cut back on events... and go to an NFL like schedule... and not have proffesional wrestling 12 months out of the year.

I don't think that's going to happen, at least not in the WWE. Everyone involved likes the money way too much.

At least not until Vince has 60% or more of his roster out of action at once due to injuries or his wellness policy.

That and they need to equalize pay more... some people are making millions and others could be making less then the night manager at dairy queen.

Since every wrestler employed by the bigger US companies works as an independent contractor (IIRC), and wrestling business in general is just a constant battle for the top spots, it's essentially impossible to have any sort of wage equality between workers.

Unless one'd try to organize an union or something similar to push the rights of the wrestlers, which is not going to happen - a union would have to have the biggest names of the business backing it up (ie. Cena, Orton, Angle), and I don't think they're willing to sacrifice their spot for the sake of nameless jobbers - and Vince McMahon is known to be viciously against unions, or any other similar pro-wrestler organisations.

I'm not exactly argueing for wage equality.  I just think it's ridiculious that some people are getting paid nearly nothing for performing in such a brutal sport. 

Your right though... it would take a union that the bigger guys aren't going to be about.

Right now the WWE just kinda preys on people wanting to be famous, so they can pay a bunch of jobbers nothing to destory their bodies.

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SaviorX said:
Smackdown was poor last week because of three things:

Theodore Long

The Teddy Long kidnapping was horrible and predictable. The whole presentation of it all was just terrible; embarrassing.

Batista overall was just boring (per usual) but his match with Jericho was overwhemingly bad. It was so slow, like they were running a practice match. The crowd wasn't in it, and neither was I. It was just a horrible match, the worst I've seen in recent memory.

And Charlie Haas wrestling--why? Vince McMahon said he'd rather watch paint dry than see Haas wrestle, but yet he's still here. At least Dolph Ziggler was entertaining. I'd rather see the young guys now than Batista.

Mike Knox seems like he will make no progress too. Plus, the Hart Dynasty is not exciting to watch.

Well there was the theory that sometimes bad wrestlers are kept around exactly because they are bad wrestlers.

I think it's called the X-pac effect or something.

They're so bad they draw heat like a good heal would.

I am so sick of the Undertaker. I have nothing more to add.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Just watched Batista battle The Big Show, from last night's Smackdown. Batista threw a punch that missed the Big Show so badly, I had to rewind it and laugh at it three times!!

And lately, I'm becoming a big MMA fan. Tune in to Spike on Wednesday night, to see Kimbo Slice get his ass kicked on The Ultimate Fighter.

Wrestling is just a dying sport. Their video games are starting to get dry too. Smackdown is getting worse every week. I don't think they have even prepared the 10th anniversary well enough. I mean no one is going to appear at the 10th anniversary. Hopefully Smackdown's ratings will go up when Edge returns. I heard there is an Edge and Christian reunion in the works.


wrestling always goes in waves, when cornette booked WWF in the early 90's nobody gave a crap about wrestling at all.