Well Cena seemed a bit heelish but it was the most justifiable heel act since....
well since all the stuff CM Punk did to Randy Orton i guess. I mean... "I'm brutually attacking this guy because two years ago he brutally attacked me and cost me the most important accolade is this buisness" is actually a pretty good reason as far as reasons go.
I mean it's not like Randy Orton apologized. Hell, Randy Orton said he was glad he did it. Honestly, I'm on CM Punks' side.
He's been a homicidal douche for a less longer time.
Same with Cena really, for all intensive purposes the rock abaonded the WWE, and everyones all up on his shit agan and "turning" against Cena when Rock is gone by this time next year. If he does go heel, (seems like a bad merch idea) it totally makes sense...
but i'd say it makes TOO MUCH sense.