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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does PS3 or Wii have an answer to this protential Fall 2010 X360 lineup?

I think Natal will be massive, just imagine I don't need a controller to play game...

Not really interested in the game listed except Fable 3 though. (Hope it would offer a lengthy stroy and harder gameplay), not a fan of FPS games.

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ironman said:
Grey21 said:
Gabe Newell is a Microsoft fanboy... wait he's more then that, he's an ex-Microsoft employee. Apparantly he loves Windows (as his child) and only left because he wanted to make games. If he has a grudge against Sony then it's because the PS2 wiped the floor with Microsoft's original xbox.

As for the line-up you've posted, maybe it's because they aren't my genres but it doesn't blow me away. 2010 will be a good year for both HD consoles (game-wise atleast) but then I'm looking at the full year. But I doubt it's going to make a big difference, all sequels so if anyone wanted those titles then they would have gotten a 360 already. It's going to end up being about what the cheapest deal is the parents/mainsteam gamers can find during the holiday season.

Well somebody's pissed's a cookie, does that make it better?

Given the fact that the origional Xbox was MS first attempt at a gaming system, You could hardly say that Sony wiped the floor with them, any other console just starting out would have done the same. MS was just setting up for this gen when it would be payback time. Also, if Gabe didn't like Sony, his studio never would have made games for a Sony console, geniouse. 

Ummmmm, PS1 says hello.

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Munkeh111 said:
Resistance 3, probably MotorStorm 3, Jak and Daxter 4 are very probable for the holidays.

Games likely to come out at some point in 2010 exclusive to PS3 are:

Heavy Rain Q1
God of War 3 (March)
ModNation Racers
The Last Guardian
Eat Sleep Play game
Lightbox Interactive game
Sony Bend console game?
Killzone 3 ?????
More LBP DLC (enough for a game)
Agent ?
Final Fantasy Versus XIII ? (prob only JP)
Kingdom Hearts 3 ?????????

So the answer is wait and see

I agree with all but the bolded ones. That is all speculation, and I don't see why they are on the list.

@OP It is pretty early to be discussing this.

@ sc, that is why there are so many question marks after them

Munkeh, you should know Sony by now.. If we don't already know about KZ3 then there is very little chance of seeing it next year. Also Kingdom Hearts 3 would have had to be in development for a year and a half at most if it releases on any platform next year.. I don't see any logic in those two.. Don't grasp at straws like that because it only weakens your other more plausable theories.


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puffy said:
Munkeh, you should know Sony by now.. If we don't already know about KZ3 then there is very little chance of seeing it next year. Also Kingdom Hearts 3 would have had to be in development for a year and a half at most if it releases on any platform next year.. I don't see any logic in those two.. Don't grasp at straws like that because it only weakens your other more plausable theories.

We learnt about Uncharted 2 in December or January, Ratchet a Crack in Time was announced even later. I think KZ 3 is most likely to come out that March. Guerilla Games have a large team, so 2 years is enough time to get another one done. ModNation Racers was announced about 9 months before it was announced, as were many other games.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is only there because I feel that the more I say it, the more likely it is to come true! But yes, they haven't even finished Birth by Sleep or Final Fantasy Versus XIII, so yes that is incredibly unlikely, hence the very many question marks

My main point was wait and see

Nope. In fact you could scrub Gears 3 and it still wouldn't measure up.

Munkeh: Fair points, I too think a wait and see approach is neccessary.. On Nintendo'd side of things, we haven't heard about Retro Studios new title which they've had nearly 2 years to work on, NST haven't had a major release since 2006 and Intelligent Systems and HAL Labs have also been quiet for a while.

It's impossible to know how next year will shape up until we get well into the year. Having said that, I don't think Microsoft will have the huge advantage in lineup that some are suggesting.


Well I am certain there will be Gears 3, Fable III and Halo Reach as well as Natal

360 has great games, that can not be denied but another season filled up with 75% of FPS?

Come on, really now, is that all people care about these days?

I personally would skip just about every single title you mentioned in the OP other than Fable III because I just love Fable games.

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