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Forums - Sony Discussion - Valve has no plans working on the PS3.

Barozi said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
Barozi said:
Zlejedi said:
Seihyouken said:
Why would I want to play a Valve game on anything other than a PC?

Yeah that's a good question. I still laught at the proud x360 owners who are so happy they can play they dumbed down, low visual quality, bad controls version of proper Valve pc games :D

loool mega troll in the house.


Bad controls, well you must know this cause you own a PS3 *rolleyes*

low visual quality, since when does Valve have a next gen engine that uses the power of modern computers ? They're still using the Source Engine from 2004. Half-Life 2 on XBOX was low visual quality. But again you must know that because you have PS3 games *rolleyes*

I'm sure you know better, but I'll say this just in case your are not aware, No their not using the same source engine, the Source Engine since 2004 has gone through many upgrades and it will continue to go through upgrades till it gets overhauled, just because they don't scream about it doesn't mean they haven't been upgrading it, it's just the way things are done.

Sure, but it's still the Source engine and not a complete overhaul.

For all we know it could be source engine version 2.0, but unlike other companies they feel that they don't need to announce what engine version their running because for them it's the gameplay, story, and content that matter, and that's all gamers should care about.

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Does anyone care anymore? Really? They have just shown that they are either incredibly lazy developers who refuse to have a challenge when it comes to making games (like you would imagine most games developers would relish) or they are just awful in that they can't get games to work on the console and now refuse to even try!

I mean look at the quality of the games coming on the console and already on it, it is far from impossible to make games for it so imo Valve = fail

He asked a nice question on GTTV. What would our fans like to see first a new counterstrike, HL EP3 or Portal 2.


Not necessarily lazy, but one could say that their not skilled or intelligent enough to take the challenge that PS3 brings. ;)

Also, I thought a majority of programmers liked to be challenged, well the skilled one's at least.
This explains why there such advancements in software tech....the other portion of programmers that don't like the challenge...well they'll go the way of the dodo, so it's either adapt or die bitch!!!

Lostplanet22 said:
He asked a nice question on GTTV. What would our fans like to see first a new counterstrike, HL EP3 or Portal 2.

I'd personally like to see Gabe lose some wieght, he may not last long enough to bring me HL:EP3 on PS3. XD

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Destroyer_of_knights said:
Not necessarily lazy, but one could say that their not skilled or intelligent enough to take the challenge that PS3 brings. ;)

Also, I thought a majority of programmers liked to be challenged, well the skilled one's at least.
This explains why there such advancements in software tech....the other portion of programmers that don't like the challenge...well they'll go the way of the dodo, so it's either adapt or die bitch!!!

I agree completely! It is the developers that 'go the extra mile' that make each console generation that more exciting than the last. I mean people were beginning to see a plateau in the graphical quality of Wii games and then Capcom came along with Monster Hunter 3 and shocked everyone, thus raising the bar of graphics (not taking into account story etc etc) and this in turn will make other developers push to get the most out of the console.

I mean in PS3 terms Sony studios are by far the furthest ahead in getting the console to do wonderful things, a la Uncharted 2, but this is obvious since they made the damn thing lol. But 3rd party studios like Konami (with MGS4) and even Ubisoft (with Prince of Persia, that game was just gorgeous) show that with a bit of effort, games on the PS3 can not just look fantastic but also get the sales needed!

Destroyer_of_knights said:
you know, I don't think Valve is as great as they once use to be, I mean saying that he didn't get into the industry to code on exotic hardware, but rather that he got into the industry to make compelling games...all this is negated by the fact that they created their own high end graphics engine which they've been using and upgrading for years now.

Now it's all well and good to say that they got into the industry to concentrate on gameplay and story and all, and one would assume that it would be in their best interest to simply license an engine so that nearly 90% of the time is spent on game content and gameplay things....but no, oh no, they went a head and built a highly modular graphics engine which is constantly being upgraded, so to say they didn't get into the industry to program high level code is a load of Bullshit.

Their capable of building a proper multiplatform engine no doubt about, the problem is that they missed the boat when the decided to skip the PS3, and further made it worse when Gabe spoke out that the PS3 was essentially shit and worthless.

To say the least it hurt their image some what, and at the end of the day the one thing they really hated about the PS3 was CELL, it's not that the CELL is hard per se, but that they have to essentially change their way of thinking when coding for the PS3, essentially a paradigm shift from sequential processing to parallel processing, which means the engine has to be programed from scratch with this concept in mind, as this is how CELL was designed, and how it can attain a high level of performance, otherwhise the developer is punished with crap performace. The 360 on the other hand doesn't require as much new thinking as the PS3, so they fell more comfortable because they are in the safe with the familiar, but this doesn't mean they are maximising all the available CPU performance of the 360, which is why some developers have said that if they take the time to learn how to efficiently code on the CELL, then they'll see the same benefits on the 360.

The whole Industry is headed that way either way, with intel already planing the release scheduale of 6 - 8 core processors, so designing engines with this new method of thinking will be crucial, and it's hard which is why most if not all developers if given the choice would prefer CPU's to be single core but a with a higher clock frequency, but CPU tech has hit a road block with frequencies because of the heat limitations of Silicon, so multicore is the only way to go in order to increase performance, and as such a new way of programming is required to extract that performance.

Now Valve are fucked, if they try to make a PS3 game, but fail to understand CELL since they have no prior experience, and their game cold turns out crap, not only will their image of a quality game developer be tarnished, but they'll lose mind share as well....and that is something Valve does not want to risk at this stage in the generations life.

But you know what, Valve deserve to be in this fucked up situation, they put them selves there in the 1st place, and I bet you they regret their decisions even if not made public. PS3 24Million install base isn't something they can ignore easily as it would have easily been more profits coming there way if they had made a PS3 game them selves, but ignore it they must in order to maintain their image.

They don't expect to see a heterogeneous processor in their bread and butter PC operations, so no I doubt that they have any real need to learn anything from the Cell. Explicit DMA? I don't see that as a requirement for a multi-core X86 processor.

Their calling is in developing rather innovative games in the FPS realm, they used a generic engine in their first game but I doubt we would have seen anything of the likes of Portal without them developing an engine. I also doubt they could support the mod community as well if they didn't have anything to offer them (for free).

Missing the PS3 isn't a great shame at this point. The Xbox 360 can support 3-4 big shooter games in a year but the PS3 cannot. We saw how Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead thrived alongside Call of Duty whereas Resistance 2 suffered for coming out next to Call of Duty: World at War. Also at this point they can spend more time making the game more fun than worrying about getting a PS3 SKU up to speed.

Finally, I doubt that Valve are really feeling down at themselves or anything. Its like Epic games really, I mean Epic and Valve are so regretful... The sales for their games have been dreadful or not. I doubt they could have released L4D 2 within a year if they had a PS3 SKU for example.



FaRmLaNd said:
People forget that they're an independent developer thats primarily focused on pc development. Its a lot simpler to go from pc to 360 then pc to ps3. They already distribute their games physically for the pc and 360 and digitally on steam. Its probably just simpler and more profitable then hiring lots of new people to create the ps3 multi platform release.

This is the only post that i think have the situation clear.

It is a really shame that they are not doing games for Wii or PS3, but it doesnt matter. They have their own platform (Steam), and they develop their games without the pressure of the publisher. They dont need PS3 or Wii, or even 360.


On a side note, I Freaking love Team Fortress 2. TF2 > Any game of this generation.

Squilliam said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
you know, I don't think Valve is as great as they once use to be, I mean saying that he didn't get into the industry to code on exotic hardware, but rather that he got into the industry to make compelling games...all this is negated by the fact that they created their own high end graphics engine which they've been using and upgrading for years now.

Now it's all well and good to say that they got into the industry to concentrate on gameplay and story and all, and one would assume that it would be in their best interest to simply license an engine so that nearly 90% of the time is spent on game content and gameplay things....but no, oh no, they went a head and built a highly modular graphics engine which is constantly being upgraded, so to say they didn't get into the industry to program high level code is a load of Bullshit.

Their capable of building a proper multiplatform engine no doubt about, the problem is that they missed the boat when the decided to skip the PS3, and further made it worse when Gabe spoke out that the PS3 was essentially shit and worthless.

To say the least it hurt their image some what, and at the end of the day the one thing they really hated about the PS3 was CELL, it's not that the CELL is hard per se, but that they have to essentially change their way of thinking when coding for the PS3, essentially a paradigm shift from sequential processing to parallel processing, which means the engine has to be programed from scratch with this concept in mind, as this is how CELL was designed, and how it can attain a high level of performance, otherwhise the developer is punished with crap performace. The 360 on the other hand doesn't require as much new thinking as the PS3, so they fell more comfortable because they are in the safe with the familiar, but this doesn't mean they are maximising all the available CPU performance of the 360, which is why some developers have said that if they take the time to learn how to efficiently code on the CELL, then they'll see the same benefits on the 360.

The whole Industry is headed that way either way, with intel already planing the release scheduale of 6 - 8 core processors, so designing engines with this new method of thinking will be crucial, and it's hard which is why most if not all developers if given the choice would prefer CPU's to be single core but a with a higher clock frequency, but CPU tech has hit a road block with frequencies because of the heat limitations of Silicon, so multicore is the only way to go in order to increase performance, and as such a new way of programming is required to extract that performance.

Now Valve are fucked, if they try to make a PS3 game, but fail to understand CELL since they have no prior experience, and their game cold turns out crap, not only will their image of a quality game developer be tarnished, but they'll lose mind share as well....and that is something Valve does not want to risk at this stage in the generations life.

But you know what, Valve deserve to be in this fucked up situation, they put them selves there in the 1st place, and I bet you they regret their decisions even if not made public. PS3 24Million install base isn't something they can ignore easily as it would have easily been more profits coming there way if they had made a PS3 game them selves, but ignore it they must in order to maintain their image.

They don't expect to see a heterogeneous processor in their bread and butter PC operations, so no I doubt that they have any real need to learn anything from the Cell. Explicit DMA? I don't see that as a requirement for a multi-core X86 processor.

Their calling is in developing rather innovative games in the FPS realm, they used a generic engine in their first game but I doubt we would have seen anything of the likes of Portal without them developing an engine. I also doubt they could support the mod community as well if they didn't have anything to offer them (for free).

Missing the PS3 isn't a great shame at this point. The Xbox 360 can support 3-4 big shooter games in a year but the PS3 cannot. We saw how Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead thrived alongside Call of Duty whereas Resistance 2 suffered for coming out next to Call of Duty: World at War. Also at this point they can spend more time making the game more fun than worrying about getting a PS3 SKU up to speed.

Finally, I doubt that Valve are really feeling down at themselves or anything. Its like Epic games really, I mean Epic and Valve are so regretful... The sales for their games have been dreadful or not. I doubt they could have released L4D 2 within a year if they had a PS3 SKU for example.


yet you know hybrid processor , as number crunching its the future right? IBM have the fastest super computer IBM roadrunner. it's made of clustered of cell processors.

in some gen they will have to jump up because multi core, multi spu, processor can have a clear perfomance advance over only multicore ones, hell the next xbox maybe a hybrid processor based.

Xoj said:

yet you know hybrid processor , as number crunching its the future right? IBM have the fastest super computer IBM roadrunner. it's made of clustered of cell processors.

in some gen they will have to jump up because multi core, multi spu, processor can have a clear perfomance advance over only multicore ones, hell the next xbox maybe a hybrid processor based.

They will be ready when they need to jump to the next big thing in hardware matter ;)