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Forums - Sony Discussion - UPDATE: GT5 passes 10 million - Guess the lifetime sales for Uncharted 2, God Of War III and Gran Tursimo 5

PlaystaionGamer said:

Uncharted 2: 5.1 

God of War 3: 4.7

Gran Turismo 5: 5.9/6.2 at most

youre wrong on GT5.


Do you think its magically going to stop selling?

It already sold more than U2 and has only been out for 1 month. U2 has been out 15 months. And you think it'll LTD only sell 1 million more than u2?


Terrible prediction on your behalf.

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9087 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:

Uncharted 2: 5.1 

God of War 3: 4.7

Gran Turismo 5: 5.9/6.2 at most

youre wrong on GT5.


Do you think its magically going to stop selling?

It already sold more than U2 and has only been out for 1 month. U2 has been out 15 months. And you think it'll LTD only sell 1 million more than u2?


Terrible prediction on your behalf.

its Christmas.. jut wait till january

we shall see

The most it could do, and this is WITH alot of hope. would be 7mil life. not a chance of more

PlaystaionGamer said:
9087 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:

Uncharted 2: 5.1 

God of War 3: 4.7

Gran Turismo 5: 5.9/6.2 at most

youre wrong on GT5.


Do you think its magically going to stop selling?

It already sold more than U2 and has only been out for 1 month. U2 has been out 15 months. And you think it'll LTD only sell 1 million more than u2?


Terrible prediction on your behalf.

its Christmas.. jut wait till january

we shall see

The most it could do, and this is WITH alot of hope. would be 7mil life. not a chance of more

LOL @ your stupidity.

Are you willing to bet your VGC account on that? 


GT5 will easily reach 7.5 million LTD.

dont worry. He is wrong.


People here like to make stupid predictions with out thinking them through because there is no consequences to being wrong here.


I'm willing to sig/av bet that GT5 sells atleast 7.5million LTD. Playstaion gamer won't take the bet cuz then there is a consequence to his stupid prediction.


I'm going to be bold, why? because only Uncharted 2 has been out just over a year, the other 2 have done great sales in less than a year, in GT5s case just about a month.

Uncharted 2: 5-6 mil

God of War 3: 5 mil

Gran Turismo 5: no idea maybe 9 mil, but its had so much bad press, i'm not sure if 10 mil is possible for this GT. but GT4 did 10 mil in about 4 years, GT5 could end up doing 11 mil in 4 years, its hard to predict these things.

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U2 still has the Greatest Hits edition, plus U3 hype.... post-U3 gamers that missed out on it saying "wow i need to buy U2 now".


It will sell more than MGS4 when its all said and done

9087 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
9087 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:

Uncharted 2: 5.1 

God of War 3: 4.7

Gran Turismo 5: 5.9/6.2 at most

youre wrong on GT5.


Do you think its magically going to stop selling?

It already sold more than U2 and has only been out for 1 month. U2 has been out 15 months. And you think it'll LTD only sell 1 million more than u2?


Terrible prediction on your behalf.

its Christmas.. jut wait till january

we shall see

The most it could do, and this is WITH alot of hope. would be 7mil life. not a chance of more

LOL @ your stupidity.

Are you willing to bet your VGC account on that? 


GT5 will easily reach 7.5 million LTD.

LOL @ you calling me stupid

No im not, i go on here when im bored to chat and see sales (i have a life). im not interested in pathetic bets/ arguments between users. 

Thanks though 

Man, where did this thread come from?  Some amusing estimates back then, particularly for Uncharted 2.  People were wayyyyy off on that one.

GT5 continues to get odd estimates as well.  Really strange.  Looking at the previous GT sales it seems obvious interest has been dipping in US/Japan but growing in EMEAA for the franchise - something backed by current sales.  Unless it reaches saturation in EMEAA current trends indicate the region will offset the decline elsewhere to ensure the title reaches a pretty high number, surely no less than 8 million assuming it has a 4 year lifetime and more bundling to come.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

CGI-Quality said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
9087 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:

Uncharted 2: 5.1 

God of War 3: 4.7

Gran Turismo 5: 5.9/6.2 at most

youre wrong on GT5.


Do you think its magically going to stop selling?

It already sold more than U2 and has only been out for 1 month. U2 has been out 15 months. And you think it'll LTD only sell 1 million more than u2?


Terrible prediction on your behalf.

its Christmas.. jut wait till january

we shall see

The most it could do, and this is WITH alot of hope. would be 7mil life. not a chance of more

I'm curious, why the pessimism?

im honestly not being negative toward GT5, it has sold very well but it is Christmas and alot of people are picking it up because its still a top shelf game. BUT new big games like LBP2 and Killzone 3 will come out and attention will shift away from GT5. im just thinking that while it will be fantastic for GT5 to sell 10million. i just cant see 10million people on the PS3 into that soft of racing game. i like it, but i know almost everyone on my PSn and Friends who have PS3's im the only one who has it. its clear it has sold well but i cant see 10mil. il say 7mil TOPS life, but i will be shocked if its alot more

9087 said:

dont worry. He is wrong.


People here like to make stupid predictions with out thinking them through because there is no consequences to being wrong here.


I'm willing to sig/av bet that GT5 sells atleast 7.5million LTD. Playstaion gamer won't take the bet cuz then there is a consequence to his stupid prediction.


OH STFU. i hate people like you on here, this is supposed to be fun and banter between gamers. people like you take it to serious and ruin it. if you think im wrong cool, get over it and move on. This is MY prediction. nothing to do with you. 

If this thread was called Predict X sales and lets see if 9087 agrees then thats fine, but its not.