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Forums - Sales Discussion - Report : PS3 faltering as publishers back Wii

grandmaster192 said:
Neos said:

 Nintendo themselves.

lol! Let's not ahead of ouselfs. Nintendo makes great games, but not with the same variety that Capcom does.

You're challenging Nintendo on variety?

Platform, racing, FPS/FPA, a variety of sports, fitness, various training, puzzle, rpg, action adventure, whatever BW2 comes under and those are just off the top of my head, really what genres of games does N not develop or publish??

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.

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^^ Have to agree with that.

Certainly, there is lots of crap and ports but it is only a matter of time before things change ...

At the end of every quarter publishers look at the sales data and they see the Wii selling more than the competition by quite a large margin and they allocate a larger piece of the resource pie towards the Wii; the lower development costs on the Wii means that these resources go a lot further and for the same ammount of money more games are developed.

So far we have only started seeing games which can be developed in 6 months by (primarily) "third string" development teams; I'm certain that by the end of March 2007 some publishers were devoting larger budgets, and by the end of September 2007 most publishers have moderately large budget Wii games planned for Christmas 2008.

If sales trends don't change, and the Wii continues to (roughly) outsell the XBox 360 and PS3 combined it is only a matter of time before all major publishers put their best development teams on producing major franchises for the Wii.

grandmaster192 said:
Neos, there is no developer better than Capcom. I don't even know what Zack and Wiki is, Darkknight. What type of game is it?

 Zack and Wiki is something like a point and click adventure game, it looks like the quality of game is up near Zelda (puzzle wise).  The game looks really well put together, graphics are top knotch, gameplay looks to be a lot of fun.  I would compare it most with Zelda Phantom Hourglass as both work off the same sort of premise input wise.  It's a game that needs more hype and advertising though...

Check the other threads about the game, there is an awesome video that made me want the game.  I was on the fence before but it's looking to be one of the best games this year (on the Wii).

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

RolStoppable said:

The positive aspect of the flood of crappy games is that it will fill more shelves in retailers' stores than the 360 or PS3 library can.

This "wall full of shit" (as naznatips likes to call it) will add to the popularity of the Wii, just like it helped the PS1 and PS2. Most people don't keep track of all the games which are released (or don't care at all for videogame media outlets), they will only see a huge number of different games in stores. They most likely are going to buy the system which has the most games available. Plus, budget games will help too, because some people simply aren't willing to spend more than $30 on a videogame.

 hahaha wall full of shit, good stuff xD

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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RolStoppable said:

The positive aspect of the flood of crappy games is that it will fill more shelves in retailers' stores than the 360 or PS3 library can

 Nope. Wii - 85 games, PS3 - 83 games. The difference is quality. Wiis linup is mostly shitty. Period. You can spin it as you like... probably I will quote Neos and his crappy - it's better to have few shitty games than planty of good ones because noone is able to buy all - to my signature...

kber81 said:
RolStoppable said:

The positive aspect of the flood of crappy games is that it will fill more shelves in retailers' stores than the 360 or PS3 library can

Nope. Wii - 85 games, PS3 - 83 games. The difference is quality. Wiis linup is mostly shitty. Period. You can spin it as you like... probably I will quote Neos and his crappy - it's better to have few shitty games than planty of good ones because noone is able to buy all - to my signature...

Well you most definently misunderstood that line. I meant it's well known that South-west european countries and east european countries have a lower income, and those are the countries that usually are sony property.
So most of them can't even buy the- you call great games, while i obivously have an other opinion about that.. a whole other..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Biggerboat said:
grandmaster192 said:
Neos said:

Nintendo themselves.

lol! Let's not ahead of ouselfs. Nintendo makes great games, but not with the same variety that Capcom does.

You're challenging Nintendo on variety?

Platform, racing, FPS/FPA, a variety of sports, fitness, various training, puzzle, rpg, action adventure, whatever BW2 comes under and those are just off the top of my head, really what genres of games does N not develop or publish??

Wow. I do think there are barely any good third party games currently out for the Wii, and am a bit disappointed about that myself. And I can see you argueing about 3rd party support being pretty even among the consoles in the large picture. Though I know many upcoming 3rd party Wii games that I'm highly excited about and am sure will be very quality games (Including Zack and Wiki. Only a couple weeks away! Whooo Hooo!).

But to even suggest Nintendo is not a better software developer than Capcom? That's a losing battle man.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Neos said:

Screen Digest delivers its verdict on Q4 trends in publishing and platform support

The analyst’s latest report states that for the final quarter of 2007, publishers have backed the Wii with the greatest number of titles – 86 in total.

This puts the Nintendo console some distance ahead of Xbox 360 and PS3, which have 47 and 38 titles lined up respectively. A quarter of Wii releases are exclusive to the platform, compared with eight for 360 and five for PS3.

The Screen Digest report suggests that Wii is the most attractive proposition due to its rapidly growing installed base and low development costs compared with its more powerful counterparts – meaning that the number of Wii titles on the market will surpass that of Xbox 360 by early 2008, according to estimates.

While Wii and Xbox 360 are forecast to have strong end of year sales, the report is less positive when it comes to PS3. Sony’s release schedule ‘lacks the firepower to command consumer attention’ and consequently it is ‘difficult to see how the catalogue will drive hardware sales in such a competitive environment.’

Ed Barton, Screen Digest games analyst adds: “Halo 3 commanded the attention of the mass market and we expect Super Mario Galaxy for Wii to continue the process of educating the consumer as to the benefits of the current generation of home consoles.”

“Given present publishing activity levels and hardware sales rates, we expect 256 bit gaming to have moved out of transition and squarely into the mass adoption phase by year end.”

“While Wii and Xbox 360 are likely to look back on 2007 with some satisfaction, the same cannot be said for PS3. Given the platform’s release schedule this Christmas, it is not a surprise that Sony is focusing on lowering the cost of entry to PS3 platform to maintain parity with its rivals this Christmas.”


So much for the theories of Wii not getting support, or, PS3 getting all the support.

Source : 

How many of the "eighty six" titles are ports or are from years ago, games that have been or are coming to the DS (Big Brain Academy), games also coming out on the PSP (Medal of Honor Heroes 2), or the PS2 (Manhunt 2) or are shovelware (Boogie)?

DMeisterJ said:
Neos said:

Screen Digest delivers its verdict on Q4 trends in publishing and platform support

The analyst’s latest report states that for the final quarter of 2007, publishers have backed the Wii with the greatest number of titles – 86 in total.

This puts the Nintendo console some distance ahead of Xbox 360 and PS3, which have 47 and 38 titles lined up respectively. A quarter of Wii releases are exclusive to the platform, compared with eight for 360 and five for PS3.

The Screen Digest report suggests that Wii is the most attractive proposition due to its rapidly growing installed base and low development costs compared with its more powerful counterparts – meaning that the number of Wii titles on the market will surpass that of Xbox 360 by early 2008, according to estimates.

While Wii and Xbox 360 are forecast to have strong end of year sales, the report is less positive when it comes to PS3. Sony’s release schedule ‘lacks the firepower to command consumer attention’ and consequently it is ‘difficult to see how the catalogue will drive hardware sales in such a competitive environment.’

Ed Barton, Screen Digest games analyst adds: “Halo 3 commanded the attention of the mass market and we expect Super Mario Galaxy for Wii to continue the process of educating the consumer as to the benefits of the current generation of home consoles.”

“Given present publishing activity levels and hardware sales rates, we expect 256 bit gaming to have moved out of transition and squarely into the mass adoption phase by year end.”

“While Wii and Xbox 360 are likely to look back on 2007 with some satisfaction, the same cannot be said for PS3. Given the platform’s release schedule this Christmas, it is not a surprise that Sony is focusing on lowering the cost of entry to PS3 platform to maintain parity with its rivals this Christmas.”


So much for the theories of Wii not getting support, or, PS3 getting all the support.

Source :


How many of the "eighty six" titles are ports or are from years ago, games that have been or are coming to the DS (Big Brain Academy), games also coming out on the PSP (Medal of Honor Heroes 2), or the PS2 (Manhunt 2) or are shovelware (Boogie)?

 hypocrism. those were the same games that flooded the ps2.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!