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Certainly, there is lots of crap and ports but it is only a matter of time before things change ...

At the end of every quarter publishers look at the sales data and they see the Wii selling more than the competition by quite a large margin and they allocate a larger piece of the resource pie towards the Wii; the lower development costs on the Wii means that these resources go a lot further and for the same ammount of money more games are developed.

So far we have only started seeing games which can be developed in 6 months by (primarily) "third string" development teams; I'm certain that by the end of March 2007 some publishers were devoting larger budgets, and by the end of September 2007 most publishers have moderately large budget Wii games planned for Christmas 2008.

If sales trends don't change, and the Wii continues to (roughly) outsell the XBox 360 and PS3 combined it is only a matter of time before all major publishers put their best development teams on producing major franchises for the Wii.