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Forums - Sales Discussion - Report : PS3 faltering as publishers back Wii

dschumm said:
stof said:
I think it's about time Bodhevesta put up another love thread, because during the last few days people really seem to be getting agitated and curt.

Anyways, I'm suprised I'm the first to point this out. But a lot of the third party games for the 360 and PS3 that we're talking about were the same games we were talking about last year. Games like Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Too Human, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, GTA IV, while the majority of Wii games have relatively recent announcements.

It's the same reason why the Wii's 2008 lineup is such a mystery. We aren't going to know about it's big games a year in advance like the other systems.

I am going to echo stof's call for calm. To me this news isn't so much about how crappy support is for anyone. It does tell me that the Wii is getting support, no matter what you may call that support, but in larger numbers than anyone expected after the last two generations.


wow that took more than 1 page for someone to finally realise my point? i really need to work on my words it seems. Well congratz anyway :P

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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*sigh* I knew this would happen.

The Wii currently has 16 games with a 75% or above on Gamerankings. The PS3 currently has 26 games with a 75% or above on gamerankings. The Wii has 3 games with a 90% or above. The PS3 has 1.

Obviously there are more high rated games, but what if you don't like a genre. Let's just pick sports. After all there aren't many core gamers who drool over sports games. If we remove sports game from both the Wii and PS3 it looks much more interesting:

Wii 11 games (3 over 90%)
PS3 14 games (1 over 90%)

Uh, yeah. You can see the point. Also, that leaves the Wii with 3 games with a 90% and the PS3 with still only 1. So yeah, the PS3 is flooded with decent launch sports games. I don't see how that makes it hugely better than the Wii library. Unless you are buying 12 different generic crappy sports games I fail to see the point in this comparison. Just for shits and giggles, lets see how many of those remaining games are exclusives and not ports of old games.

Wii 9 games (1 over 90%)
PS3 4 games (0 over 90%)

There are 4 games on the PS3 not counting sports games rated above a 75% that you can't get elsewhere. 4 freaking games. So don't give me this shit about the PS3 library dominating the Wii's in quality, because even if you don't like one freaking genre that the PS3 is flooded with it knocks out half of it's high rated games and if you are just looking for the cheapest way to play those great games obviously the 360 is a better option. I'm not saying the Wii's is stellar right now either but from the perspective of a core gamer it's certainly not worse. Not to mention that at this rate the Wii will have at least 5 games rated above 90% by the end of 2007. What happened to quality over quantity?

As far as future Wii titles, there are a lot of 3rd party games to look forward to on the Wii. Kber you wanted someone to name 7: Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Tales of Symphonia: KoR, NiGHTS, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: TCB, Trauma Center: New Blood, Manhunt 2.

Those are just off the top of my head. Other than Manhunt 2 they are all exclusives. If you want I'd be happy to go through another 20 or so that have a lot of potential. Personally one that looks great to me is Oboro Murasama Youtouden (English name unknown). It's the spiritual sequel to Odin Sphere and uses the same beautiful art style.

I'm not saying the Wii has the best 3rd party support ever or even very good 3rd party support yet, but considering this is a system which everyone thought was doomed 10 months ago it's picking up quality 3rd party games incredibly fast.

Nazna I think the point was that all the future developer support was going to the Wii not that it currently is.

Wii can keep putting out titles if they want. But if they're no good, they won't sell. And by 'good', I mean something along the lines of Wii Sports. If Wii Sports wasn't packaged with the Wii, the console itself would be floundering.

Another Zelda or Mario game isn't going to bring in the non-gamers who bought a Wii for the Wii Sports-type interaction.

Wii Fit may give it another boost. But only if the pad actually works. From some of the videos I've seen, fat chance of that happening.

That may have been the original point, but it was lost by halfway through the 1st page. I doubt there will ever be a point that ALL developer support is on any system, including the Wii. Even the GC got some great 3rd party games such as RE4, Tales of Symphonia, Viewtiful Joe, etc. I don't think anyone ever needs to worry about being completely abandoned by 3rd parties no matter what platform they own. That said, I do expect the majorit of big NEW IPs to be made on the Wii this generation. Still, there won't be a shortage of great games on any system.

CT, anyone will buy a Mario game.  It's a franchise that appeals to casuals and and core gamers alike.  People who bought the Wii for Wii Sports will absolutely buy Super Mario Galaxy.  There is only one video of Wii Fit where the balance board glitched and didn't read right and that was at E3.  Apparently you haven't watched anything else on it.  Nintendo will continue to make games that appeal to casuals (Wii Music, Wii Fit, etc.) core gamers (Zelda, Metroid, Disaster, etc.) and both (Mario, Animal Crossing, etc.).   

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Eh, Wii has just as many quality 3rd party games coming this holiday as the PS3, if not more.

Picko said:
Neos said:
hunter_alien said:
Unfortunatly many will be watered down ports , ported PS2 games , or rushed 2D ,, original " games :(

Oh you mean those games that made the ps2 the success it was? Yes you're probably right.

 I heard that the PS2 was a success years ago. The likely ports that the Wii could get are not the games that made the PS2 a success and you hopefully already knew that. The games now released on the PS2 are cheap games designed to make a cheap profit, not games I would imagine the average Wii owner wanting.

Manhunt 2 isn't a cheap game. I know that lots of the development went into the Wii game, but it is basically a PS2 port with lots of work that went into controlling the game well with the Wiimote.

Just kiss the tip.

I wonder if developers might be increasingly hesitant to create big budget titles as the profit margins are proving to be not terrific. All it takes is a Stranglehold or Lair to completely devastate earnings. If game development budgets shrink, the Wii may hold an advantage for giving more bang for the development buck.

Same thing that help the PS1 and 2. Loads of craptastic games that present and unparalleled wall of games at the local walmart. This way when the person goes in to buy the system they see a huge wall for Wii.

This mixed with a solid number of great titles and you have the market leader.

Wow. 86 games. While it's true most of Wii's games coming out this holiday season are shovelware and budget games, and the median quality will be lower than 360/PS3, let's not forget that this is it's first year.
Compared to 360 or PS3's first year holiday offerings, the Wii is doing great with a lot of great games coming out (also a lot of crappy ones).
But budget titles will help sell systems too. Look at PS2's continued sales success.