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*sigh* I knew this would happen.

The Wii currently has 16 games with a 75% or above on Gamerankings. The PS3 currently has 26 games with a 75% or above on gamerankings. The Wii has 3 games with a 90% or above. The PS3 has 1.

Obviously there are more high rated games, but what if you don't like a genre. Let's just pick sports. After all there aren't many core gamers who drool over sports games. If we remove sports game from both the Wii and PS3 it looks much more interesting:

Wii 11 games (3 over 90%)
PS3 14 games (1 over 90%)

Uh, yeah. You can see the point. Also, that leaves the Wii with 3 games with a 90% and the PS3 with still only 1. So yeah, the PS3 is flooded with decent launch sports games. I don't see how that makes it hugely better than the Wii library. Unless you are buying 12 different generic crappy sports games I fail to see the point in this comparison. Just for shits and giggles, lets see how many of those remaining games are exclusives and not ports of old games.

Wii 9 games (1 over 90%)
PS3 4 games (0 over 90%)

There are 4 games on the PS3 not counting sports games rated above a 75% that you can't get elsewhere. 4 freaking games. So don't give me this shit about the PS3 library dominating the Wii's in quality, because even if you don't like one freaking genre that the PS3 is flooded with it knocks out half of it's high rated games and if you are just looking for the cheapest way to play those great games obviously the 360 is a better option. I'm not saying the Wii's is stellar right now either but from the perspective of a core gamer it's certainly not worse. Not to mention that at this rate the Wii will have at least 5 games rated above 90% by the end of 2007. What happened to quality over quantity?

As far as future Wii titles, there are a lot of 3rd party games to look forward to on the Wii. Kber you wanted someone to name 7: Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Tales of Symphonia: KoR, NiGHTS, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: TCB, Trauma Center: New Blood, Manhunt 2.

Those are just off the top of my head. Other than Manhunt 2 they are all exclusives. If you want I'd be happy to go through another 20 or so that have a lot of potential. Personally one that looks great to me is Oboro Murasama Youtouden (English name unknown). It's the spiritual sequel to Odin Sphere and uses the same beautiful art style.

I'm not saying the Wii has the best 3rd party support ever or even very good 3rd party support yet, but considering this is a system which everyone thought was doomed 10 months ago it's picking up quality 3rd party games incredibly fast.