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That may have been the original point, but it was lost by halfway through the 1st page. I doubt there will ever be a point that ALL developer support is on any system, including the Wii. Even the GC got some great 3rd party games such as RE4, Tales of Symphonia, Viewtiful Joe, etc. I don't think anyone ever needs to worry about being completely abandoned by 3rd parties no matter what platform they own. That said, I do expect the majorit of big NEW IPs to be made on the Wii this generation. Still, there won't be a shortage of great games on any system.

CT, anyone will buy a Mario game.  It's a franchise that appeals to casuals and and core gamers alike.  People who bought the Wii for Wii Sports will absolutely buy Super Mario Galaxy.  There is only one video of Wii Fit where the balance board glitched and didn't read right and that was at E3.  Apparently you haven't watched anything else on it.  Nintendo will continue to make games that appeal to casuals (Wii Music, Wii Fit, etc.) core gamers (Zelda, Metroid, Disaster, etc.) and both (Mario, Animal Crossing, etc.).