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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSN vs. Xbox Live - which is better now?

FootballFan said:

The PS3 has facebook, and pretty much every other Internet site.

But is it integrated...

A web browser maybe but I know that by the end of the year Live will be better again and the margin will widen between Live and PSN. It may cost money for the Gold users but with this comes a superior service. I think the free PSN service is commendable and I am sure Sony are very chuffed they have another system they can throw money down.

Question? Do we think PSN will remain free or will a premium service like Gold rear its head?


For me I miss dedicated servers but then the only game I am playing on my Xbox at the moment has them (Battlefield 1943) I just wish more of that Gold went towards some Microsoft Dedicated servers for some of the bigger games. I like a home

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ElectronicRocker said:


- Great Exclusives like Flower,Wipeout HD, Quest For Booty, Fat Princess, Pixeljunk etc.
The best 2 Arcade games are coming also to the PSN (castle crashers and braid)
- PSone games
- Vidzone
- Webbrowser
- Home
- Dedicated Server for 1st/2nd Party games
- soon 256 player, does the "superior" XBL have that?
- and the most important:


- Marketplace looks better
- many ppl have a mic
- great exclusives also, but they lost the 2 best ones
- cross game chat

for me, psn is defintaly the winner

sorry for bad english, as always

This is the perfect example of a cherry-picked list.  PSN getting Castle Crashers and Braid doesn't give it an edge over Live because guess what, Live still has them available as well.  What's more, I will have been playing both for well over a year before they finally become available on PSN.  That's not an advantage.

Seriously, I do wonder at some of the people in this thread if they have ever used BOTH the PSN and Xbox Live as if they had they would know instantly Live is in a different league than PSN, it really isn't rocket science,

I pay £10.49 for 3 months xbox live subscription, absolute bargain for what you are getting, that's cheaper than 2 packs of cigarettes or a few pints down the pub plus xbox live shouldn't kill me lol.

@ S.T.A.G.E. haha I love how biest you are, it's ok to have an opinion but to state those as pluses while the PS3 already have them and guess what the hole internet :O Ill agree with you that the intergrated part of Facebook sounds promising to me, but the hole noncence is just stupid! You can't even play the songs while in game :/ If it did then would also be an exciting update but as I write this now I'm switching between and for my music needs on my PS3 and itttttt's Great (Frostiest Style=]) And by the way only reason I'm actually using my PS3 is because my PC is fucked atm, and I'm actually finding it real pleasant with a KBnM ;]

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It really comes down to one thing, if you want to chat with friends and use your console as a social networking tool LIVE is better, however, if you actually want to play games PSN is better. Untill LIVE uttillises dedicated servers like Sony does, it will always be inferior IMO. Peer to Peer connections are terrible compared to dedicated servers.

kjj4t9rdad said:
It really comes down to one thing, if you want to chat with friends and use your console as a social networking tool LIVE is better, however, if you actually want to play games PSN is better. Untill LIVE uttillises dedicated servers like Sony does, it will always be inferior IMO. Peer to Peer connections are terrible compared to dedicated servers.

That is up to the developers.  If developers want to carry the cost of dedicated servers, nothing is stopping them.

i think the only good about home is that it is free.The psone games are bit too late.
cross chat,nice and easy to use,big audience,the mic,the achievements(way better),the useless avatars,the menus,the community,the tournaments local and online,the free arcade demos

both are comparable IMO.

the only thing i can think thats better on xbox live is a better intergrated community feature set.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

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CGI-Quality said:
FKNetwork said:
Seriously, I do wonder at some of the people in this thread if they have ever used BOTH the PSN and Xbox Live as if they had they would know instantly Live is in a different league than PSN, it really isn't rocket science,

I pay £10.49 for 3 months xbox live subscription, absolute bargain for what you are getting, that's cheaper than 2 packs of cigarettes or a few pints down the pub plus xbox live shouldn't kill me lol.

I gotta tell you after using both for the last 2 1/2 years, PSN has vastly improved. Beyond that, IMO, some aspects/games on PSN exceed LIVE. This is why it's all an opinion. You CANNOT tell someone their opinion is wrong for liking PSN over LIVE or vice versa, you just can't.

^Absolute rubbish, can't believe you actually just said that, can really see your "pro-Sony" stance shining now CGI!