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I was even late for my uncles wedding rehersal to watch the Utd game.

And for all the Barca fans, remember Ibrahimovic only plays well on the weekends (flop in Champions League)

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draik said:

So witsel the dude who broke wasils leg. The belgian football "bond" has reached a verdict, he will be banned from the league untill november 23. Missing 10 league matches and 1 cup match. He has also received a 2500 euro fine. They handed the rapport over to UEFA and FIFA, they can take further actions if they want to.




I don't get it. A red card is harsh for that, but 10 games? Witsel had the ball, he kind of couldn't control it, and just came under 1 second to late. And it clearly wasn't his intention to foul the other player - strange jurisdictation. I had to watch it two times to actually realize, that the guy in red was sent off. Less then one second in favour of the other guy and he would've been sent off. My prediction: No further actions by the UEFA.

It's bad, that the other guy broke his leg - but it was kind of his own fault as well. So many tacklings like that both in my own times on the pitch and which I watched on a professional level and if you're unlucky an outcome like this can always happen - but 10 games for the guy in red, that's ridiculous.

CaptainPrefrences said:
tombi123 said:
DSLover said:
At least Man Utd/ Chelski fans aren't as bad as Milwall and West Ham fans.

I agree. But Manchester Red and White Socks fans always disappear when they loose.

When was the last time Man Utd lost and I wasnt on these forums voicing my frustration? I never saw people like DS lover on here when we lost to Burnley.

I meant in real life. Whenever Man U lost at the weekend, my Man U supporting friend was never at college on the monday xD

Signing ban for Chelsea! No new players for at least one year for them.

Haha, I just heard about the Chelsea transfer market ban. Well, that's it for them lol.

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highwaystar101 said:
Haha, I just heard about the Chelsea transfer market ban. Well, that's it for them lol.

How? We have the best squad in the premiership and have a good youth team. Scott Sinclair, Gael Kakuta, Di Santo, Borini, Matic.

The ban is completely stupid, FIFA can suck my english c*ck. It might get reduced to 1 transfer window anyway.

Chelsea thing came out of the blue, didn't expect that at all, luckily for them, they already have a strong squad, only way this will hit them hard is if they get lots of injury's or need to sell players (the later is a no-chance though, not with Abramovich)

tombi123 said:
highwaystar101 said:
Haha, I just heard about the Chelsea transfer market ban. Well, that's it for them lol.

How? We have the best squad in the premiership and have a good youth team. Scott Sinclair, Gael Kakuta, Di Santo, Borini, Matic.

The ban is completely stupid, FIFA can suck my english c*ck. It might get reduced to 1 transfer window anyway.

Well to be quite frank, if one or two of your major players incur a long term injury then you can kiss the Premier league or Champions league goodbye, Chelsea live in a very competitive world, one or two slip ups and the other top four teams will capitalise on it.

New FIFA ranking

We are 21 now, from 26 last time, next time I hope we make it in the top 20, it all depends if we win against venezuela and how we do against Brazil.

Lol at Chelsea.