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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is the 360, the console of choice for beta testing?

When I say this, I don't mean it in an anti-360 way.  What I mean by it is, why does the 360 get several unfinished games, see The Orange Box, Tales of Versperia, Eternal Sonata, Bioshock, etc.  just for finished products to be on the PS3 or PC.  We shouldn't stand for this..

I hope I'm not the only one who sees this.

Pixel Art can be fun.

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Serious thread?

PS3 had a superior Orange Box?


The Orange Box was far superior to the ps3 version

Btw I would rather have it a year early then slightly upgraded graphics, and maybe a couple more minutes of gameplay

Carl2291 said:
Serious thread?

PS3 had a superior Orange Box?

The 360's Orange Box was pretty much a beta for the PC version.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Do you know what beta means?


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Carl2291 said:
Serious thread?

PS3 had a superior Orange Box?

LMAO thats EXACTLY what I thought too!

FYI, Bioshock PC was exactly the same as Bioshock X360, and with the exception of TF2 updates so was The orange Box. I suggest editing the OP to something with actual examples

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:
Carl2291 said:
Serious thread?

PS3 had a superior Orange Box?

LMAO thats EXACTLY what I thought too!

FYI, Bioshock PC was exactly the same as Bioshock X360, and with the exception of TF2 updates so was The orange Box. I suggest editing the OP to something with actual examples

You.. a ToV fan, don't you feel betrayed that the 360 version was pretty much a unfinished game and that the PS3 is getting more content in their version.

Pixel Art can be fun.

*Facepalm* This is the second thread I have had to do that in within 2 days.

Anyway anything Valve makes (No matter how crap it looks) will always look better on the PC.

The PC version of Orange Box could easily run on Xbox 360 hardware if it were in the hands of a dev that is really dedicated to console gaming.

Onto Vesperia: If I was American or Japanese I wouldn't care about Tales of Vesperia Enchanced coming to the Playstation 3 considering the Xbox 360 version has been out for over a year (I would of had my good time with it long ago).  However since I am from the UK I have had to wait over 10 months for the damn thing to be released over here (It came out less than a month ago) 

What really pisses me off though is the Enhanced Playstation 3 version will be coming out in September 2009, two months from now and they expect me to pay full price for the very soon to be obsolete Xbox 360 version! Namco Bandia can go and fuck themselves. I won't be buying it, nor the Playstation 3 version.

This is the first ever game I have decided to boycott and probably my last unless they screw us European players over in the future again.

when I read the thread title I thought you were talking about 3rd party online beta's like Call of Duty are only on 360 then I read the OP and your talking about time exclusives
the same works both ways Virtua Fighter 5 on 360 received online and UT3 received split screen on 360

SmokedHostage said:
Shadowblind said:
Carl2291 said:
Serious thread?

PS3 had a superior Orange Box?

LMAO thats EXACTLY what I thought too!

FYI, Bioshock PC was exactly the same as Bioshock X360, and with the exception of TF2 updates so was The orange Box. I suggest editing the OP to something with actual examples

You.. a ToV fan, don't you feel betrayed that the 360 version was pretty much a unfinished game and that the PS3 is getting more content in their version.

I suppose I'd be more angered if it got a TON more stuff, like a 4th chapter or something. ATM, I'm not too keen on the new pirate character who talks like an old lady(she reminds me of Anise >_> ), though the new areas look fantastic.

The REAL thing I'm a little ticked about is that its coming out bundled with the new Vesperia movie, but if I can get it in English subs/ in English Audio as a DVD or Blu-Ray I'd be happy. the additions to bioshock were minimal, and I didn't like ES too much...

Still I can see what you meant. If they really, REALLY added something big or nice into a game previously on 360 then to PS3/PC I'd feel betrayed. I guess its just cause it hasn't happened yet.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.