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Forums - Sony Discussion - Five reasons why the PlayStation brand is kiddy and not hardcore

Hmmm.. whenever we seek sense of it all, these make more sense than the crap you'll get at a thread like this. :)


So if you're in shock, this is the best example of what you should do.

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sabby_e17 said:
RolStoppable said:

1. Their biggest franchise is rated E for Everyone - The Gran Turismo games have sold more than 50 million copies, because they can reach a broad audience. This was only possible because Sony and Polyphony Digital didn't go down the road of mature gaming and refused to add hardcore features like drive-bys.

Wtf? Gran Turismo is a driving simulator and you say that it should have drive-bys to make it hardcore. When I read that part I knew the wholething was a joke.

Have you seen some of his other threads? This guy is definetly not joking.

Pretty good thread, 8/10.

We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that they [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so the question is what do you do for the rest of the nine and half years? It's a learning process. - SCEI president Kaz Hirai

It's a virus where you buy it and you play it with your friends and they're like, "Oh my God that's so cool, I'm gonna go buy it." So you stop playing it after two months, but they buy it and they stop playing it after two months but they've showed it to someone else who then go out and buy it and so on. Everyone I know bought one and nobody turns it on. - Epic Games president Mike Capps

We have a real culture of thrift. The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games. - Activision CEO Bobby Kotick


I'm not sure if I should treat this as a bad argument or as a bad joke. I think I'll consider it a bad joke while trying to counter those ridiculous arguments since most are easy to counter.

1. Wow, I never knew cars were for kids only. I suppose sports are for kids, too?

2. Platformers tend to have less violence and often cuter characters. While this holds true with Nintendo as well, they have pretty much no "mature" or violent games, unlike Sony.

3. Sorry, can't remember the details. But I sure do remember Eight Days being cancelled.

4. A surprising point. Unfortunately not true, since while triangles and such are easier to recocnize for young people (and gamers under school age aren't probably common anyway), they're not that childish. I suppose they COULD be but Sony has done them in a way that they aren't.

5. I guess MGS4 and Killzone 2 bundled with PS3 are nothing?

Anyway, I suppose the main reason why Nintendo isn't considered hardcore while Sony is, is that Nintendo doesn't have any "mature" games, unlike Sony. And don't point me to a single example, Sony has tons more. It's not about a single game, it's about the whole software library. To me, it would seem that Sony starts with the core players, slowly putting more and more emphasis on the casual audience as the console becomes cheap enough. And of course Sony doesn't ignore them completely even in the beginning, though it's not very significant in early lifespan.

This thread has become one of my favorites. So many angry people... And yet, so many enjoying themselves. Amazing.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

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And youz wonder why this place is looked on like a joke.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

And here I thought this place was a joke because the same people who post hundreds of times here talk crap about it...

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

oh someones gawd... as soon as i come back...jesus....


Edit: Nvm just noticed the TC... >_>

I hope you're not serious, Playstation just has a mix between hardcore and kiddy. You're not a kiddy brand if you also have hundreds of successful killing/mature games. This is like saying if Nintendo had 4 mature titles then came out with a special Wii bundle with blood on it then they are a hardcore brand. It is just a mix between the two.