1. First look at the name - GEARS OF WAR.
They ripped off two of the biggest titles. Metal GEAR Solid and God OF WAR. Wouldn't "Gears at War" or "Gears in War" make more sense?
Why blatantly rip off God of War? Why name them "Gears" instead of something else?
That would be like Sony coming out with an exclusive named "Halo Effect: Shooting Evolved".
2. Blatantly ripping off the battle from Act 4 of MGS4. The end of Gears 2 when you ride that giant animal (forgot the name) is damn near IDENTICAL to the battle in MGS4 where you are driving Metal Gear REX.
WTF Epic? Gears2 came out 5 months after MGS4, and considering that part is at the very very end of Gears2 ...I wouldnt be surprised if Epic developers played MGS4 and thought it was awesome and then copied it and added it as a last minute addition to Gears 2.
Same goes for grabbing an enemy CQC style from behind, and using him as a shield while shooting.
3. The cover system. This is what people praise Gears for innovating. Are you kidding? Kill.switch did this a long time ago on Ps2.... the producer of Gears even admits when they were making Gears 1 the idea was to make it "a mix of kill.switch and Resident Evil"
"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama