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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii Malcontents

I don't know about you but is this bothering you like it is me?

What I'm asking? I'm talking about the general internet-wise complaining about all things Wii. The endless bitching, moaning, whining, groaning, kvetching, I don't know an equivalent word in Swahili but you get my meaning.

From non-owners it's one thing and it is to be expected. But from owners isn't this routine getting a little old?

The self-proclaimed "hardcore" who only think games are supposed to be a certain way never satisfied with how anything comes out, bemoaning the console as a disappointment even though it's been on the market for less than a year, worrywarting about its future, and sniping at the new audience the Wii's bringing in.

Taking any and every slight opportunity to slam any slightly inflammatory thing a Nintendo exec has said regardless of the actual benign nature of the comment or truth therein. The Wii collecting dust soliloquies and hapless wishes that the console was more like its competition (the antithesis of the project's direction in the first place to do so).

Ya know, it's just my feeling on complainers in general. If you have issues with what you got, DO something. Quit yer bitchin' as some would say. To some the Wii wasn't what they expected or hoped to be. Sad but so be it. If not satisfied, SELL it. GIVE it away. GIVE it to someone who wants it. But they never do that. If I didn't like what a product was offering me I'd find the product that DOES give me what I'm looking for. Actually I rarely have regrettable purchases because I plan out everything in advance and prepare myself with forethought. Only every blue moon did I have a purchase I didn't like in the end. Very rare. I see myself with the product and anticipate how the product is and how it matches my mood and personality before buying ANYTHING. Always a Customer. NEVER a Consumer.

There's competition for a reason so if one system is not your cup of tea buy the other one AND learn to make more informed reasoned purchasing decisions in the future. A $9.99 To The Earth on NES in 1990 taught me all I needed to know on making wiser purchasing decisions. I coulda had Bayou Billy if I just paid 5 dollars more!

And the other thing. The moaning about the library. Just because the games available don't suit your cup of tea doesn't mean there's nothing on the system that's good. Plenty of worthwhile stuff on the Wii. And NO system has EVER had a first year where everything is rarin' to go library wise. Last year people were crying and complaining about XBox 360's library and now look at it in its 2nd year.

It's not Nintendo's fault that the 3rd parties didn't believe in the Wii project until it was too late. 3rd parties rectified their errors and the games will coming back to back in 2008 because it's just too much money on the table to miss out on. They threw some quickie stuff together to cash in but the A-team stuff takes time to produce. This stuff can't be produced overnight.

Yet nobody seems to want to understand this. They'd rather just stew and simmer over some imagined wrong the company has made taking any and every opportunity to attack without reason. Party games, mini-games, non-games. You arrogant jabronies whether you like the games or not doesn't make them any less games than the stuff you DO like.

It's probably just the usual Hate The Most Popular reflex kicking in, I suppose. So many positive Wii stories have been coming out so much lately that I guess some people feel they have to "balance" in their own mind. Ridiculous.

In fact those liking the competition better be thankful Nintendo hasn't secured everything quite yet because when they do the competition will be marginalized as Nintendo revamps and transforms the market pretty much making them almost the only game in town. 1st party + 2nd party + 3rd party = Nintendo's party. 2008/2009 will see genre-making and genre-transforming games as the creative developers get into the system and REALLY make it work. All of this boohooing will be forgotten by that time and many of those whiners will be reporting how they bought another Wii to play the new games available. Pathetic.

Seriously, death to the self-proclaimed "hardcore". The "hardcore" who are impossible to please, impatient beyond reason, and negative about every development in the gaming world that doesn't suit their tastes. THOSE hardcore can hit the road as far as I'm concerned. No maker of anything would want to cater to a bunch of crabs like these. I'm just a gameplayer. Just call me that. I play realistic games, cartoony games, goal-oriented games, and non-goal oriented games. I play masterpieces, quirky titles, and licensed branded schlock. I just play. If I like it and it's fun to me, it's bought. And if I don't like it, I just chalk it up to experience and learn not to make that mistake twice. No need to complain. Just learn.

This clique is retarding the industry and is the reason why it cannot grow beyond its current boundaries. I mean people complained about Halo 3???? What the hell?! NOTHING is wrong with Halo 3 and yet people cry about the graphics??? Do they not have eyes?? Metroid Prime 3 is selling better than any Metroid before it and yet people are disappointed it's not pulling in Halo 3 numbers???? Even though Halo 3 was inspired design-wise by the Metroid series these games are totally different regardless of the 1st person perspective. Shocking but Metroid never has been a monster selling series which saddens me because each of them have been simply excellent. It does modestly well sales even the influential Super Metroid from the SNES. Even though both protagonists wear big suits of armor with a visor these are totally different styles of play, one more social and action packed, the other more solitary and exploratory.

This kind of attitude messed up Star Wars, Star Trek, WWF (I'll never say WWE), and a lot of good things in entertainment. Fans who can't see the big picture and opt to complain to the moon instead of doing something about it. When WWF stopped putting out the TV I once liked I just stopped watching. I also tried to change it personally (I wonder if anybody out here has heard of the D'Lo Brown Master Plan). I made a little bit of commentary about the declining direction and then stopped following it regularly. Simple as that. No muss, no fuss.

The next time I hear one of the moaners complain about the Wii, I will put him on the spot and tell him to give to me since I have plenty of people in my life who this would make an excellent Christmas gift for. Can't give mine away because I'm loving every minute of it!

"Shoot" or get off the pot. Either way enough of the crying.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



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J. Diddy (formerly known as John Lucas), there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Ah john lucas, you couldn't have said it any better.
I completely agree with you, I am soooo tired of hearing that the Wii is weak, it is only a gimmick, it will die off soon, everything is better than the wii etcetera.
The sad part is that the same people say this, they never increase in volume. I mean if this was a trend that everyone who got a Wii suddenly thought that it is a gimmick, that would give some merit to what they say, but since the same people are whining and bitching, well it just means that they are not fair.
Some people make up there minds before anything happens, so I guess you can't change their point of view.
Just yesterday I saw a link on Yahoos front page that their is a ongoing academic study on the effects of using a Wii for stroke patients instead of normal exercises. On the front page!
The whole world does not evolve around the so called hardcore gamer. Don't try to please the un-pleaseable. I would suggest not listening to them either.

Wow very heart felt. But i think its just more than these hardcore gamers complaining about the Wii, but the industry itself, they are afraid of going places they have never been. Simple human instinct, if you don't understand it, you are afraid of it, thus attack it, strange really. Currently its like the whole industry is against nintendo, one guy say's one thing (i don't see the wii longevity), to be fair nintedno chose to start this fight, so they will have to see it throgh, they have to be the forerunners, if you must .Nintendo, needs to lead, and slowly one by one convert each individual in this industry, Which is kinda happening, but slowly.

"Inovate or Die!" that was nintendo's ,message at last years E3, to me , that was nintendo declaring war on the industry!

johnlucas said:

I don't know about you but is this bothering you like it is me?

What I'm asking? I'm talking about the general internet-wise complaining about all things Wii. The endless bitching, moaning, whining, groaning, kvetching, I don't know an equivalent word in Swahili but you get my meaning.

From non-owners it's one thing and it is to be expected. But from owners isn't this routing getting a little old.


it's an amazing state that this world is in that this sentence can be said and not elicit an immediate "what the hell are you talking about" response.

Why in the world should it be expected for non owners to bitch about the Wii? It shouldn't be at all, they don't own one. Why should they care about it? I don't own an Xbox360/PS3, so why should I be complaining about something I don't own? I have no reason to care either way about them. The only thing I could bitch about either one is that they're too expensive and I want one, which isn't true anyway.

As for owners, who else is going to bitch about the Wii? Surely if anyone has a right to bitch about the Wii it's the people who forked over money for it. There's plenty to complain about, no region-free play and inability to calibrate the pointer being the two major hassles. But the pros far outweigh the cons. So hell if I'm going to sell my Wii. Besides, I'm already looking into ways of fixing these two problems. I've already ordered a WiiKey so I can play imports (no more waiting for 5 months for a game, Nintendo) and I'm going to make my own sensor bar and see if moving the IR leds further apart will improve matters.

But even though a product isn't perfect, that doesn't mean you should sell it. Everything has flaws. And god dammit, I reserve my right to bitch about them (especially when they could hav ebeen so easily fixed. Why is there no system wide pointer calibration? Would it be THAT DIFFICULT?)

PS. you misspelt routine 

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

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My view is if you just want to simply enjoy your console of choice don't go on game forums, they are less about games than they are about an all out war between people trying to force/influence their views on others

If some one was a true "hardcore" gamer they would embrace ALL aspects of gaming, and try everything out there is, and encourage others to do the same, but the reality is people that call themselves "hardcore" are rarely like this.

You can't change people, in every group you find the good and the bad

Game forums aren't the place to go to relax and simply enjoy yourself, others don't let you

Do your own thing and avoid gaming politics (aka gaming forums) for awhile, you may find your sanity returns


PS: VGChartz forums are one of the best, there are hell of a lot worse than this one


No offense John, but this is the internet. Pointless bickering and small minded hatred is this place’s number two export. I too also find really annoying, but it comes with the territory. If you want to grill anyone just whining for the sake of it though, be my guest, be fun to watch.

I do find “hardcore” gamers claiming to be the backbone of the industry, while simultaneously denouncing anything not catered to their specific needs humorous. Back before we had the internet, you’d often get a game and just hope for the best. If it was fun you wouldn’t care what company made it, or how many it sold, or if it was a new IP or a sequel to an “established” series, or if it was a “AAA” game. If you had fun, that’s all that mattered.

My personal favorite two Wii games are Excite Truck and Trauma Center: Second Opinion because I think they’re the most fun. Also love The Godfather: Blackhand Edition. I don’t give a crap if it’s a port of a PS2 GTA clone with tacked on features, it’s actually a blast to play. Really let’s you personalize being a psychotic lunatic.

By the way, you can blame the World Wildlife Federation for the name change to the WWE. =P

If you own a Wii and are caught up in any Anti Wii hype, you need to do yourself a favor and actually play the Wii games instead of bitching about it. There are some really good games out on the system right now. There is a pretty big list of Christmas games coming out, grab or rent some games you think may be your style and see if you want to keep your Wii. If you want to sell it still then so be it. People sell consoles all the time.

Just remember.... The DS was in the same boat during it's first year. In fact I remember myself being caught up in the Anti DS movement, then the games kept piling up for it and it's the must have system at the moment. The Wii is in a much better situation, we already have some great games for it. At this point in the DS's life it was really really bad off games wise.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

"From non-owners it's one thing and it is to be expected. But from owners isn't this routing getting a little old?"

Sorry but I would agree the other way around. Non-owners not complaining and owners do complaining, as they actually own the WII and feel the good and bad things about the WII. Why am I not allowed to give my sour opinion concerning about the WII when there's something I'm not happy about? Should I just shut up and lie about it although its on my lips to spit it out? No, that's not who I am and I'm "not" intending to step away from that either, sorry. If I feel the need to praise my console I'll do it, but if there's something which is bothering me I'm not afraid of saying that either.

You know what people should stop doing? Bitching about other people's consoles which they don't own themselves, PS3 fans vs WII and WII fans vs PS3.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

BrainBoxLtd said:
No offense John, but this is the internet. Pointless bickering and small minded hatred is this place’s number two export.

The first one being porn, of course?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957