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No offense John, but this is the internet. Pointless bickering and small minded hatred is this place’s number two export. I too also find really annoying, but it comes with the territory. If you want to grill anyone just whining for the sake of it though, be my guest, be fun to watch.

I do find “hardcore” gamers claiming to be the backbone of the industry, while simultaneously denouncing anything not catered to their specific needs humorous. Back before we had the internet, you’d often get a game and just hope for the best. If it was fun you wouldn’t care what company made it, or how many it sold, or if it was a new IP or a sequel to an “established” series, or if it was a “AAA” game. If you had fun, that’s all that mattered.

My personal favorite two Wii games are Excite Truck and Trauma Center: Second Opinion because I think they’re the most fun. Also love The Godfather: Blackhand Edition. I don’t give a crap if it’s a port of a PS2 GTA clone with tacked on features, it’s actually a blast to play. Really let’s you personalize being a psychotic lunatic.

By the way, you can blame the World Wildlife Federation for the name change to the WWE. =P