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Ah john lucas, you couldn't have said it any better.
I completely agree with you, I am soooo tired of hearing that the Wii is weak, it is only a gimmick, it will die off soon, everything is better than the wii etcetera.
The sad part is that the same people say this, they never increase in volume. I mean if this was a trend that everyone who got a Wii suddenly thought that it is a gimmick, that would give some merit to what they say, but since the same people are whining and bitching, well it just means that they are not fair.
Some people make up there minds before anything happens, so I guess you can't change their point of view.
Just yesterday I saw a link on Yahoos front page that their is a ongoing academic study on the effects of using a Wii for stroke patients instead of normal exercises. On the front page!
The whole world does not evolve around the so called hardcore gamer. Don't try to please the un-pleaseable. I would suggest not listening to them either.