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Forums - Sales Discussion - More people in US with a HD DVD player than Blu-ray

It's weird and strange that the same people who can see the "glaring" differences between the PS3 and 360 version of Resident Evil 5-

are the same people who can't see the difference between unscaled DVD:

and Bluray:

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It's all about clarity. Upscaled DVDs can NOT compete with a Blu Ray or HD-DVD. They do a good job but Blu Ray and HD-DVDs are encoded at a much higher rate than regular DVDs. DVDs are what - 480P vs. HD discs at 1080P.

I can think of an instance where I watched 'Tears of the Sun' on Blu and regular upscaled. You can see a lot more clearer, sharper images. You can read nametags and the like.

However, here's the rub - does it matter to J6P? No. He wants to watch movies - and look out - HD-DVD offers the same experience as Blu BUT since it's dead, don't expect to see newer movies on it. If you find several films on HD-DVD that you want to see in HD, and don't want to pay a lot for Blu, HD-DVD is a good alternative.

I will admit, I was close to snagging a Blu Ray player for cheap for my bedroom LCD - I have my standalone HD-DVD player there too. I am also going to buy another HD-DVD add-on for the 360 - maybe 2 of them. I have no plans to get rid of my HD-DVD movies anytime soon.

disolitude said:
link please?

This sounds like a lot of wrong and very little right to me...

I would like to see a link as well. Blu-Ray sales have increased some, but DVD is still King and will be for along time. With cable, internet and everyone else already offering 1080p movies (some for FREE), Blu-Ray isn't even need. I can actually find websites that host movies before they are even released in 1080P. I can just watch them on my computer with the same quality as Blu_Ray. I don't have to spend $15 - $30 for the movie either.


'gaming till I'm gone'

blu ray is going to win, but it will never be as huge as video/dvd. Too many alternatives have come up. Im streaming all my movies with the popcornhour, now I realize that might not work for everybody, but you'd be suprised at how many people can use usenet and torrent networks these days.

In the end I see 3 big parties: legal hd streaming/download services like netflix and xbox live, illegal downloadable content played on networked media tanks and other (mobile) mediaplayers and blu ray. The last one will be the biggest in 3 years from now, then streaming/downloads will take over after about 5-7 years.

Harris Interactive? A PDF file?

Hilbert Hagedoorn sounds like a crackhead. That is probably the most piece of shit article I've read here in the last two weeks. Now think about how many fanboys post piece of shit articles here and you will understand how bad that one is.