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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit Review Thread

megaman79 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
megaman79 said:
by real review thread you obviously mean a "real review". That includes online, not skipping cutscenes, explanation for re mapping controls, etc.

Montana, read the Gamepro review.

btw, i agree in principal but if Sony reviews Halo are you going to argue the validity of that too?

I did read the review, and I agree that it's awful. Try reading yourself next time. I'm just saying that the review shouldn't be omitted no matter how bad it is. It's a review from an official reviewing publication. There could be a disclaimer next to it saying how much the review sucks, I don't really care. But this isn't Metacritic or Gamerankings. Stop setting standards and just include reviews no matter how much they suck.

And seriously, what's with your last line? I hope you're not accusing me of bias considering how big of a fanboy you are.

Hey i agreed with you, but what i meant by that last point was that if it is clearly going to be subjective then maybe its not really a valid review at all. Nothing aimed at you at all, though i can see how your own views of my "bias" could make you paranoid.

Sorry to seem aggressive, I am in a sour mood right now. I feel like fighting. I just think we should accept the review no matter how bad and inaccurate it is. We would include the Gamepro review if it was of good quality, so we should include it even if it isn't.

I know everyone agrees with me anyways ('cuz I'm so right), I'm just reaffirming my position.



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Best line in a review so far:

My favorite part — this is actually in the GamesRadar review's text:

Stuff that sucks about reviewing games #475: You jot down a poignantly hilarious aside, heroically skewering a game for a specific fault… then you check the menu and realize that it’s optional/adjustable and you look like an asshole for not being thorough. The book hasn’t been written on how Wii FPSs should work, so The Conduit leaves you free tailor the interface to your specific liking.

In reference to the ridiculous & biased GamePro review:

What I couldn't stand, however, was the use of motion controls; for whatever reason, High Voltage mapped two critical functions -- grenade throwing and melee-to motion controls but even my grandmother knows that that was a dumb move.

LMAO! I've NEVER seen a review bash another review as part of the review. Not a huge GamesRadar fan, but they get points from me for this!!!

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

Since this has lead to some fights and already covered in the official thread seen here, I'll make it a priority to update the reviews on the first page since a few more just came out to day and there will likely be more in the coming week.

The Official threads are made for reviews, discussion of the game etc. if there's a specific review you want to discuss feel free to make a thread about it.

So sorry just need to lock a few of these conduit threads down so they don't clog up the forums :)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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