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Forums - Website Topics - How much does your avatar on VGChartz say about you?

I'm a pervert.

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Mine say that I love Anime and Sony, oh and that I'm a Flashy dresser that gets bitches

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

Mine just says I love Chrono Trigger and the deepest character EVER made in a videogame: Magus.


I just need a sequel, with awesome 2D, Mitsuda's wonderful tracks,  a catchy story and a perfect rhythm... so just like Chrono Trigger . I never wanted a sequel as much as Chrono Trigger's. Damn Square : they put a ridiculous amount of games, with no advertising in Europe (and maybe in USA, I don't know) , and even not translated in some countries...

EDI: And I didn't mention piracy. What a chance I got it for Christmas and I didn't download it like I do with Ds games (and sometimes Pc games), I would have been so angry to steal this wonderful game.

nordlead said:
superchunk said:
Soleron said:
I think mine is pretty obvious...

? you're a linux nerdboy ?

I'm not disputing that. Any conversation about software/OSs inevitably ends in me getting very angry at vaious people/governments/corporations for not using free software. If I could make it happen then Microsoft Windows (and all non-game proprietary software) would be eradicated tomorrow.

I'd like to think I'm rational on all other topics though.

That I think pikmin needs to look like that more and that I think its the best game of all time This is my 4th avatar so be quiet I had too many

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

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Aj_habfan said:
I'm a pervert.


Nothing really...I just thought the girl looked cool. I know it's from an upcoming game but that's pretty much all I know.

Mine says quite a bit.

A) Rabbids are most closely associated with Wii (but appeared on other systems - at least when I adopted it) like myself
B) It's Wolverine who is Canadian like myself
C) Wolvie is a comic character which is a field I use to work in.
D) It's uber cool like... well it's cool.


^ That's a girl?

OT: Nothing much, I just thought it looked cool.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

I don't really watch a lot of anime, so I guess my avatar doesn't really represent me (I honestly think that a lot of anime is just plain embarassing, although I have my guilty pleasures as well, and won't be willing to browse the anime section in Best Buy in a crowded store).