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Forums - Sony Discussion - So who is actually going to get MAG?

Day 1 for me, and this is part of the reason why;

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What is MAG?

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
Kantor said:
Staude said:
Taz! said:
^ What Im saying is that all the core elements are the same, it's little tweaks that make the difference

Call of Duty with United offensive had tanks .. and levels that worked with it.


Far superior level design to both cod 4 and 5. Better levels, properly used tanks that were integrated within the levels

Less glitches :p'

and Superior online lobby system.. and I don't really recall the game lagging often either.

oh and if i recall correctly more gamemodes.. or atleast as many..


again superior level design. Just wanna say this again cause the game really had great level design.


And cod 5 online is better than cod 4 because of the zombie mode :p it's the only mode i like in the new cod games online.


cod4 is a step back from the original. As was cod 2 and possibly 3 (i never played cod3 though. But noone liked it so :p)

The best part about cod 2 was the fact that you could arm up on potatoes and throw them at the enemy in the first level as the russians :p


My point is that they shouldn't limit themselves to the same old formula or cut back on it either.. why not do new things... especially good new things. .. like the zombie mode :p (needs more than 1 map though.. and i'm not buying 2 map packs when i'm only gonna be playing the zombie maps)



Well, we know it has snowmobiles and snow levels, let's see what else Infinity Ward improves on.

IW only made 1, 2 and 4. Treyarch made 3 and WaW by copying the previous game made by Infinity Ward and adding in some random stuff. World at War was CoD4 in WW2 with zombies, while Modern Warfare 2 will be an entirely new game.

I have never actually played CoD1 and 2, though, so I have nothing to compare to.

Yea we'll see. I mean i'll get the new game because I like their games..


But the way you portray trayarch isn't fair either. They take a lot of slack.. but personally i've had a better multiplayer experience with cod5 than cod4

and the singleplayer campaigns i'd rate about equal, maybe give the notch to trayarch simply because it's longer.


But modern warfare does look like it'll be good.

They might have taken a few hints from killzone with the online system if were lucky.

Check out my game about moles ^

Not me... it looks generic and lame.

I am buying it because the faction thing is drawing me in, also the massive battles sound great

Currently playing: MAG, Heavy Rain, Infamous


Getting Plat trophies for: Heavy Rain, Infamous, RE5,  Burnout and GOW collection once I get it.


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I guess this thread is for people who won't be getting it to say so. So I'm saying it. No I definitely won't be getting it. I have absolutely no interest in 256 player online FPS battles. I just hope for the sake of the game developers that there are a decent number of people around who are interested in such things.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


MAG will sell like nothing. Maximum is 4-500,000 copies lifetime judging by all the negative responses in this thread and earlier (but 250,000 is more likely).

Hype is almost 0, and most gamers don't seem to acknowledge the beauty of HUGE online warfare.

That's a pity. You PS3 owners should be very thankful that you get a war game with 256 players online in the same battle (=truly epic feeling).