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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Arc Rise Fantasia- One Hard Mother of a JRPG Grind but Damn Good

So I was out of the country for some business last week, and I picked up ARF(arfarf!) I gotta say, that 8,8,8,8 from Famistu was well earned, pretty decent story( I won't spoil anything of course,) a good mix bag of a combat system, very different attack and defense skills with each character( and you have to HP buff the crap out of some when you use them or they'll drop fast as hell,) it's a pretty solid game, with a long game play time, I mean you can easily get over 80 hours with this game. The craziest part is the bosses are actually hard or take a long time, and there are some battles that you'd want to win even though the story would keep going on if you loose so you end up having to load a save a lot because you'd die in 3-4 turns if you are unlucky or make a mistake. O_O;;;;

I encourage people to get this when the US and PAL versions become avaliable if you like JRPGs, and please don't use strat guides when playing this =P, it'd be more fun ^^b. oh, and this game talks a whollllllle lot, which takes a lot of the hours in game lol, fine by me though. anyways, BUY THIS!


edit: got some videos up

Basic Combat


and Holy Meteor up your ass >=)

Around the Network

I sure will.

oh and the music is excellent.

Sounds like something Xxain would like.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Does it feel like Skies of Arcadia?
Anyway it sounds like everything I love about JRPGS

Former something....

Around the Network

Dahuman. do you think you could give a little review of this game, at any point? I'd love to know a little more of the inner workings in this game. I've had my eye on it for a while and the battle system has intrigued me a tad, and it's linearity has captured me. God i'm such a sucker...

I'll definitely be getting this once it's available in PAL territories. Come on Rising Star Games... you can do it.

How technical is your game?

I'm glad that the music is awesome.

"Pier was a chef, a gifted and respected chef who made millions selling his dishes to the residents of New York City and Boston, he even had a famous jingle playing in those cities that everyone knew by heart. He also had a restaurant in Los Angeles, but not expecting LA to have such a massive population he only used his name on that restaurant and left it to his least capable and cheapest chefs. While his New York restaurant sold kobe beef for $100 and his Boston restaurant sold lobster for $50, his LA restaurant sold cheap hotdogs for $30. Initially these hot dogs sold fairly well because residents of los angeles were starving for good food and hoped that the famous name would denote a high quality, but most were disappointed with what they ate. Seeing the success of his cheap hot dogs in LA, Pier thought "why bother giving Los Angeles quality meats when I can oversell them on cheap hotdogs forever, and since I don't care about the product anyways, why bother advertising them? So Pier continued to only sell cheap hotdogs in LA and was surprised to see that they no longer sold. Pier's conclusion? Residents of Los Angeles don't like food."

"The so-called "hardcore" gamer is a marketing brainwashed, innovation shunting, self-righteous idiot who pays videogame makers far too much money than what is delivered."

I just can't wait for this game.

Waiting is almost to intense.

I Have an extreme tolerance to voice-work in video games. I didn't mind Vanille in FFXIII...

Like you have to ask. One of my top 10 anticipated titles for this year.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

Does this game have an open world or are the areas more confined and linear?