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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Don Reisinger (cnet) calls Wii "Watered Down Experience"

Don Reisinger = pointless idiot not worth posting about. Thread over

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my favorite thing about these kinds of articles, is that they essentially are argueing that the PS2 is also built for water-downed casual games

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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These flamebait articles made a bit more sense before E3 2009, when both other console manufacturers decided to imitate the Wii.
It's so downgraded it took others at least 4 years to catch up!

Pyramid Head said:
bardicverse said:

@pyramid head -  Until of course, they port the on rails experience to the 360 Natal and PSMotion setups, right? Then it'll be the best thing ever?

oddly enough dr reactionary, no.

im not buying natal or the ps3 motion shit.

i did buy a wii about 16 months ago, and got umbrella chronicles, which reminded me of how much i HATE on rails games.

its crazy i post more on nintendo than 360 or ps3, i say one thing about a wii game, and its like 'fanboy attack!  go play your 360!  screw you!'  lol

I know, its crazy, I make a sarcastic post, despite agreeing with a person, and they think Im a fanboy attacking them and reacting to their post.

Perhaps its just the view that I take on gaming - there's no reason to put a gaming genre down. There's a market for everything, but not everyone fits the mold of every market. For example, you and I have a different opinion on Umbrella Chronicles - I thought it was pretty cool how they condensed the RE story to be less wordy and drawn out. It was sort of like a RE highlights. I didn't mind the on-rails experience, being an old aracade gamer (back when it was 25 cents per play!) Sure, I don't want EVERY game to be like that, but they have their place. Ultimately, I have the best setup, as I can get my HD gaming fix on my PC (and eventually to add a 360), and if the game comes to the Wii, I get that for the ability to have smooth controls and sit on my couch (I hate being in front of a computer at work most of the day and then spending my evening in front of one too)

Oh, and I don't have a PHD yet. So, that'd be Mr. Reactionary.


I noticed how quick he is to pounce on the fact that Ubisoft couldn't port the HD Prince of Persia to Wii, but ignored the next point: that Ubisoft thought there wouldn't be any need to make a Wii version in the first place. When they started work on PoP, pretty much the whole industry thought of the Wii as "everyone's second console", meaning that gamers would buy one of the HD consoles first, so there was no point in making a Wii version when all those Wii owners were just going to have an HD console anyway. Most of the article is spent pointing out how limited the Wii is, and how it can't do what the HD consoles can; it's only at the very end that he recognizes that Nintendo's games aren't watered down, and that developers are being lazy.

Veder Juda is hand crafted from EPIC FAIL, and is a 96% certified Looney; the other 4% is a work in progress.

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I mean he makes a point but the only way he is able to do it is by not including other things. Although most of his argument is surrounded of how it is the developers fault for providing that "watered down experience".

I mean it is very true that Nintendo still seems to be the main one providing quality and solid titles although that doesn't mean third parties haven't done it. What I find even funnier is that although he talks about the Wii not getting RE5 and providing a "watered down experience", the wii version of RE4 was miles ahead of the new Resident Evil in almost every aspect of gameplay. Almost felt like a downgrade playing RE5 on the 360.

The point is good in that 3rd parties still haven't stepped up but it doesn't mean it hasn't gotten better. Nor does it mean that it is because of Wii's hardware limitations (which was a silly mention anyways cause he states that Ninty has done well so obviously its not the hardware). Poorly constructed and drafted but the main point is a good one. Too bad he's not crafty enough (or unbiased) to write it properly.

superchunk said:

I actually don't see why you all are complaining. As a Nintendo die hard here, I fully agree.

These are my current complaints.

Third parties do constantly 'casualize' their Wii versions of games. Why is Madden cartoony on Wii? Madden should be Madden. If they want a cartoony football game they should start a new IP. There are plenty of examples of this and primarily it has to do with devs not putting the right resources on Wii versions. They have been typically creating a PS2 game and porting it to Wii with waggle. That's bullshit.

At least Madden 10 isn't a PS2 port with waggle.  The give away to me is that they probably still won't have Wii Speak in Madden 10.

This E3 was the first time I have see a few quality Wii built games that are in turn ported to PSP/PS2.

Even third party exclusives have been relatively poor quality and too focused on the perception that any Wii game must be 'casualized'.

Agree on the last two.

Hell, even Nintendo's own ip's have pissed me off. Why is it excitebots is excitebots? Why the fuck isn't it excite truck 2 with more maps, online, wii speak, etc. Why does NSMB Wii not have online w/ wii speak? Why does animal crossing Wii look/feel exactly like the GC version?

This is why I am glad Excitebots bombed.  They should have made ExciteTruck2 with all those features.  This is what they get.

Nintendo needs to enforce some standards. One should be online for any game w/ multiplayer and if online, it must utilize Wii Speak. Can't claim any BS about power on that as even Xbox did this.


Hell, even the obviously less powerful Wii Sports Resorts appears to not have online or wii speak. wtf. Its a goddamn WM+ pushing game with massive multiplayer abilities. Online play w/ Wii Speak should be a given.


I love my Wii, but Nintendo really knows how to fuck shit up sometimes.

The main thing here is that Nintendo releases incremental improvements as much as possible to maximize sales of strong brands.  They know that WSR and NSMBWii are going to sell a ton anyway, so why include online play and Wii Speak support?  This has always been one of the problems with Nintendo.

I personally never get tired of playing Mario and will always buy new games until they start sucking or I do get tired of Mario... I am part of the problem I guess.

The author is a Wii-hater but it is partially true.  I do not agree about "mature" graphics of Madden and Ghostbusters, the artstyle of "mature" does not necessarily make a game better.

What water's it down is the lack online play, online communication, a simple friend system, and deeper gameplay in general.

Mario Galaxy offered a new "next-gen" feel to gameplay and level design.  I don't see that huge step in other places, in other games on Wii.

I am not saying there are no good games.  I am not saying that the Wii sucks.  I love the Wii and there are plenty of games I like.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I feel exactly the same way. It always feels that there is something missing from wii games.

Chrizum said:
He generally has a point although he ignores all the good games and Wii exclusives.

This line made me cringe though: Red Fly Studio said its version will be focused more on puzzle elements. In other words, it's an entirely different, less "next gen" experience.

Is he trying to say that HD gamers are too stupid to solve puzzles?

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Don Reisinger is a watered down experience so there