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Forums - Website Topics - I have an issue regarding VG$

Leo-J i need to guide you my friend I understand your pain I was once a savage troll hellbent on causing war. I tried everything trolling, stealth trolling, trolling while drinking tea, undercover fanboy and flamebaiting lol. But as I quickly learned the mods are always one step ahead, before I knew it I was permabanned.

But that was than im a changed man.

Despite my history VGchartz gave me another chance, and look at me now. I have not been banned in over 2 months which in itself is an achievement lol, I have brought the community together and have been posting news. At the end of the day im here to entertain and the forums are my platform.

As a man who was once in your position, my advice is make a new account and dont look back

Sony Leader out

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So megaman you are basically saying that the mods told you to create a new account just to redeem yourself? If what you are saying is true, then Im going to have to say the moderation team on this site has completely baffled me, what is the point of banning a user if you tell them to create another account after they have been banned?

I dont believe the mods let you get away with that, if they did that kills the point of having a banning system in the first place



leo-j said:

I have helped out with the game database, not as much as database members but I have. Even if I work my ass off and add a game summary/box art/5 screen shots to every single game listed in this website, do you think I will somehow end up in the positive? Its not possible.

Olist has 80k+ VG$ and Nordlead was banned 50k and has near 20k VG$. Earning 6k isn't anywhere close to impossible. Over stating your case is just going to further annoy the people in charge.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

leo-j said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
leo-j said:
Nordlead every perma banned member was brought back through that glitch, I was the unlucky one to have been perma banned 4 times, Id take anything right now 2000 refund would be fine by me, I just dont think I should be hurt because of the 3 glitches and kirby and other perma banned members get away with having postive vg$ because they werent perma banned 3 extra times..

In any case you are right I should be grateful im even allowed to post, but I still think its unfair.

Leo... you've got two options, either do the work and contribute to the site, or don't and stay in the red.  You've never really helped the site before, and ever since you started you were a pain in the ass for the mods and site members, the countless spam and troll posts got annoying and you were banned for such, if you had actually helped the site by adding stuff to the game database and now helping out with news, I'm sure someone here would be MUCH more accommodating to your issue, but here's the kicker if you HAD been contributing to the site you wouldn't be in the situation.


I have helped out with the game database, not as much as database members but I have. Even if I work my ass off and add a game summary/box art/5 screen shots to every single game listed in this website, do you think I will somehow end up in the positive? Its not possible.

Yes, because as everybody pointed it out, TalonMan will give you those 50K back when you clear off the 6K debt. And 6K, while not a cakewalk to get, aren't impossible by any means. Specially now that banners made it easier. Heck, I think Blacksaber made that amount in the last weeks, and he's not a DB admin

Gnizmo said:

leo-j said:

I have helped out with the game database, not as much as database members but I have. Even if I work my ass off and add a game summary/box art/5 screen shots to every single game listed in this website, do you think I will somehow end up in the positive? Its not possible.

Olist has 80k+ VG$ and Nordlead was banned 50k and has near 20k VG$. Earning 6k isn't anywhere close to impossible. Over stating your case is just going to further annoy the people in charge.

Ofcourse its not impossible when you have the prediction league to help you significantly..


Then what is the point of deducting 50,000 vg$????


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leo-j said:
So megaman you are basically saying that the mods told you to create a new account just to redeem yourself? If what you are saying is true, then Im going to have to say the moderation team on this site has completely baffled me, what is the point of banning a user if you tell them to create another account after they have been banned?

I dont believe the mods let you get away with that, if they did that kills the point of having a banning system in the first place

Steady sir!]

You're unfairly criticizing the system and moderators, so let me address this:

1. - When I was permabanned I asked both DKII and Naznatips for a second chance which they kindly did, they could have easily refused me but were kind enough to give 'Vgchartz Greatest Entertainer' another chance.

2. - The moderation on this site sublime, despite being banned over a dozen times I still cant fault them. With mods like Onyx, Benga, Nordlead and Torillian. Why complain?

3- They did not tell me to make a new account after I was permabanned.

Sony Leader out

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

Why should I stop crying foul? Ive already stated my reasons consistently, KIRBY, AND OTHERS that have been PERMA BANNED and have contributed LESS (others not kirby) then I have are in the CLEAR, and MEGAMAN 2 comes out telling me EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS, and yet he gets BLASTED IN THE POSITIVES, you see im posting in caps now, its starting to aggrivate me.

Talonman I AM NOT , and I repeat NOT the biggest "POS" you think I am, because thats what your saying in your post, that I am a troll not worth your time and that I dont give a $hit about this site, if I didnt give a $hit about this site I wouldnt have bothered digging a couple of articles when I was asked to spread the word about vgchartz, and I wouldnt have bothered getting into CONSTANT ARGUMENTS on "GAMESPOT" and GAMETRAILERS on how this site is worth mentioning when it comes to sales numbers, heck ive gotten banned for arguing for this site.


I am not going to stop aruging until you respond to my point, because you are clearly ignoring the actual points and you are continually bringing up the past to bring me down, but I will continually come back to the FACT that there have been worst people than I am *GBALLZACK, MEGAMAN, WIIFOREVER, KIRBY, BLUE 3* that can happily participate in the prediction league with there unique accounts, and I have much respect that I dont dare create an alternate account and be done with it, because I can whenever I want, but I dont because I dont feel like disrespecting this site.



You want to participate in the PL? Create a new account, ask this one to be permabanned. Bingo, $1000 fresh to bet however you want to. Is it that hard? No one is stopping you to do that

TalonMan said:
leo-j said:
Gnizmo said:

leo-j said:

I have helped out with the game database, not as much as database members but I have. Even if I work my ass off and add a game summary/box art/5 screen shots to every single game listed in this website, do you think I will somehow end up in the positive? Its not possible.

Olist has 80k+ VG$ and Nordlead was banned 50k and has near 20k VG$. Earning 6k isn't anywhere close to impossible. Over stating your case is just going to further annoy the people in charge.

Ofcourse its not impossible when you have the prediction league to help you significantly..


Then what is the point of deducting 50,000 vg$????

It was a joke dude - get a sense of humor, would ya??? Geez...


I ask to be deep in the negatives on your page and I get squat :( I DEMAND to be deducted 500k. You have a horrible taste in fashion btw. consider that insult to be the reason behind your hopefully eventual detraction of 500k vg$ from me

leo-j said:
Gnizmo said:

leo-j said:

I have helped out with the game database, not as much as database members but I have. Even if I work my ass off and add a game summary/box art/5 screen shots to every single game listed in this website, do you think I will somehow end up in the positive? Its not possible.

Olist has 80k+ VG$ and Nordlead was banned 50k and has near 20k VG$. Earning 6k isn't anywhere close to impossible. Over stating your case is just going to further annoy the people in charge.

Ofcourse its not impossible when you have the prediction league to help you significantly..


Then what is the point of deducting 50,000 vg$????

Looking through Olist's transacriion history ( I see a ton of money from DB work, and a couple thousand here and there from the prediction league in profit. If you summed up the entire thing I guarantee you the vast majority of the money came from database crap, and he is technically 10k down right now due to predictions. Work your 6k off and stop whining.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229