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leo-j said:
So megaman you are basically saying that the mods told you to create a new account just to redeem yourself? If what you are saying is true, then Im going to have to say the moderation team on this site has completely baffled me, what is the point of banning a user if you tell them to create another account after they have been banned?

I dont believe the mods let you get away with that, if they did that kills the point of having a banning system in the first place

Steady sir!]

You're unfairly criticizing the system and moderators, so let me address this:

1. - When I was permabanned I asked both DKII and Naznatips for a second chance which they kindly did, they could have easily refused me but were kind enough to give 'Vgchartz Greatest Entertainer' another chance.

2. - The moderation on this site sublime, despite being banned over a dozen times I still cant fault them. With mods like Onyx, Benga, Nordlead and Torillian. Why complain?

3- They did not tell me to make a new account after I was permabanned.

Sony Leader out

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