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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony fans/supporters it's time to put Megaman.2.'s nonsense to rest!

psrock said:
megaman.2. said:
psrock said:
d21lewis said:
psrock, you just became so much more awesome in my eyes! That was halarious!

Thank you sir, i only try to be as good as you.

You just went down in my eyes that was not cool go hide under your rock

As long as I don't reach you down there.

hahah you went back up in my eyes

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

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NFreak said:
At first I didn't realize the Sony Leader stuff was a joke (it is, right?). Obviously someone that calls themself the "Sony Leader" and is completely serious about it is probably very young. Either that or it is someone making a joke, playing the role of a character they are not, just to provoke flame.

I am still unsure of how "fake" the Sony leader stuff is.

The horrible grammar and English. Not using sentences properly. Is this all just to further stealth the "immature, funny, Sony Leader" persona, or is this the act a of fourteen year-old being truly immature. I'd be very impressed if that was part of the act as well.

The weird, "soft" language. "Thanks, brother." This could also be a method of appearing innocent, knowing that people are seeing through it, but pretending to be oblivious about it. While seemingly harmless, I can see where people could get pissed off if they don't understand how to react.

Anyways, I'm left rather confused about this "Sony Leader" character. Maybe I'll never know the truth.

Well written and said. But I only wish he was a 14 year old.

LOL put that in my sig...

Is this a serious thread?

If I owned a PS3, I would be proud to call him my leader.

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^YEA...we can bait Megaman2 into a permaban

NFreak said:
At first I didn't realize the Sony Leader stuff was a joke (it is, right?). Obviously someone that calls themself the "Sony Leader" and is completely serious about it is probably very young. Either that or it is someone making a joke, playing the role of a character they are not, just to provoke flame.

I am still unsure of how "fake" the Sony leader stuff is.

The horrible grammar and English. Not using sentences properly. Is this all just to further stealth the "immature, funny, Sony Leader" persona, or is this the act a of fourteen year-old being truly immature. I'd be very impressed if that was part of the act as well.

The weird, "soft" language. "Thanks, brother." This could also be a method of appearing innocent, knowing that people are seeing through it, but pretending to be oblivious about it. While seemingly harmless, I can see where people could get pissed off if they don't understand how to react.

Anyways, I'm left rather confused about this "Sony Leader" character. Maybe I'll never know the truth.

OOOOO the irony......

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

I fear an attempt on Megaman2's life. I will see to it that security is increased.

d21lewis said:
I fear an attempt on Megaman2's life. I will see to it that security is increased.

lol thank you sir

<embed src="" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="198" height="135">

oh, megaman, over here!

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