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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Vitality Sensor - What does it actually do how can it be used in games?

I want to see this in action.

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Also, a really interesting idea would be to use a combination of the vitality sensor and the balance board and maybe even motion+ to do character setups in action/adventure and rpgs. The player would be required to perform a few exercises and the different hardware used to measure and grade your stats, stamina, strength, balance, flexibility etc.

So, essentially you'd be playing yourself in the game. I would love to see something like this implemented.

Why is this not bundled with Wii Fit Plus again?

puffy said:

 So if you're dead, you can't play Wii, sorry :S

Further proof that Nintendo hates the hardcore. You can't even use their latest peripheral if you don't have a life.

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