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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Gamestop charging $5 OVER MSRP for Wii Motion +, DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THEM!

Well time to go to walmart

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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Gamestop is the perfect example of capitalism at its best haha. Got to say they do know how to work the system. I will be buying both of mine from them but bundled with Tiger Woods and Wii Sports.

I like buying my new games from Bestbuy or Amazon. Used games are great on ebay (which you can resell them at a very good price too). Gamestop is crap and people should not stop there. This is even more proof that they are a bad company.

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radioioRobert said:
L.C.E.C. said:
I called them... The guy said that that was their price. Then I told them I was going to buy elsewhere, then he said that it might be a mistake, then asked his manager when he couldn't find what was wrong. He came back and said that their marketing department made that decision, then reccommended me buying it elsewhere... Now to call Nintendo!

Thank you! Did you call national or local? Local helps, but a bunch of corporate calls will make a bigger difference...

National... Didn't call Nintendo though... couldn't find a suitable number to call...

I haven't stepped foot in a gamestop since my local stop has been infested with fanboys and I couldn't buy a wii or ps3 came without some stupid comment from the idiot behind the counter, this gives me even more reason not to support that company.

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Ryudo said:
Xen said:
Walmart sells blank CD's and porn infested PSP's, or stones instead of DS systems. I'd rather overpay at Gamestop than buy at walmart.

And Gamestop over prices Used games sells some used games as 'new'(thanks to it's allowing Employees to check out new and used games for 4 days) and has sold porn infested PSP/360 Memory cards.

How is this bad?

Ugh, they did the same thing with Wii Wheels. Pity.

Perhaps this is their interpretation of the Blue Ocean strategy, they want to do something different and by pricing at $24.99 they don't have to compete in the red ocean :P

They figure that Motion+ will be sold out everywhere else, so they will be able to charge a premium. And unfortunetly they will get it.

We could also twitter and facebook it, and ask people to do the same. The more people that contact the corporatte ofiice and complain, the better chance that they will have to rethink the policy. I'm buying elsewhere, but I feel bad for those that have no idea they are being taken advantage of.

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