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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Media and Press who won E3

I really don't see why MS wins and Nintendo clearly loses. All 3 companies hade a great show. They announced new, good, games and showed lots of new stuff of already announced games. Nintendo did the same.

I'd give them all 8/10!

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The disrespect for Nintendo is strong.

Nintendo shows off Wii Remote - C
Nintendo shows off Wii Balance Board - C
Nintendo shows off WM+ with possibly best games announcement in a long time - C

Microsoft shows their motion control Natal - A+++++++++++
Sony shows off their motion control with wand thingy - A+++++++++++

That is just crap and their scores are crap. At least try to be fair. Nintendo shows motion controls and everyone laughs and says it is stupid, but then turn around and praise the ground the competitors walk on even though they are late to the game. Even if you want to argue that there aren't many games for the balance board, we have the same exact argument for Microsoft and Sony.

In my mind E3 went like this MS=Nintendo>Sony. Mostly for the following reasons. You can take your pick on who "won" but Ninty and MS both offered a lot of new stuff for gamers. Personally I choose Ninty since I own the console

Microsoft shows off some stuff we didn't know about + new hardware that has lots of vision even if I thought it was too early to show off (lack of gamers games to show the public).

Nintendo demoed their WM+ which is coming out now, plus they announced 2 Wii Marios at the same time. People have been asking for a 2D console mario since Mario 64 came out and they finally delivered. Very solid showing overall with new software. The vitality sensor was weird, but in no way destroys the show.

Sony had only FFIV to announce and that is an MMO which generally is not liked by the FF crowd. Their motion control is also in a hugely primitive state and also has no gamers games to show off to the public. So much stuff was leaked that most of their show was a repeat of things we had already heard. Had they not leaked everything I would probably rank them a lot higher.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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leo-j said:
Why do I get irritated whenever eliasg posts..

Anyhow yea for me it was microsoft

Its so obvious that we like each other!!!

Nintendo does not cater to males 18-34 (almost) exclusively like the other companies do.

Nintendo does bend over backwards to get positive feedback from gaming journalists.

Since most gaming journalists are males 18-34 and have not been feted by Nintendo, they seem to think it is a terrible company. The 180 they are doing on motion gaming (especially since the kickball demonstration reminded me of a PS2 EyeToy) demonstrates this.

But even what everyone complained about last year's E3 by Nintendo, the games all sold and sold well (only Nintendo can have failures like Wii Music at 2.5M and Animal Crossing at 3.0M). Basically, Nintendo just smiles and heads to the bank to deposit its profits while the competition goes to the same bank to borrow money to cover their losses.

For a non-gaming (entertainment) view of E3 -- (AP Entertainment Writer).

Mike from Morgantown


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nordlead said:
The disrespect for Nintendo is strong.

Nintendo shows off Wii Remote - C
Nintendo shows off Wii Balance Board - C
Nintendo shows off WM+ with possibly best games announcement in a long time - C

Microsoft shows their motion control Natal - A+++++++++++
Sony shows off their motion control with wand thingy - A+++++++++++

That is just crap and their scores are crap. At least try to be fair. Nintendo shows motion controls and everyone laughs and says it is stupid, but then turn around and praise the ground the competitors walk on even though they are late to the game. Even if you want to argue that there aren't many games for the balance board, we have the same exact argument for Microsoft and Sony.

In my mind E3 went like this MS=Nintendo>Sony. Mostly for the following reasons. You can take your pick on who "won" but Ninty and MS both offered a lot of new stuff for gamers. Personally I choose Ninty since I own the console

Microsoft shows off some stuff we didn't know about + new hardware that has lots of vision even if I thought it was too early to show off (lack of gamers games to show the public).

Nintendo demoed their WM+ which is coming out now, plus they announced 2 Wii Marios at the same time. People have been asking for a 2D console mario since Mario 64 came out and they finally delivered. Very solid showing overall with new software. The vitality sensor was weird, but in no way destroys the show.

Sony had only FFIV to announce and that is an MMO which generally is not liked by the FF crowd. Their motion control is also in a hugely primitive state and also has no gamers games to show off to the public. So much stuff was leaked that most of their show was a repeat of things we had already heard. Had they not leaked everything I would probably rank them a lot higher.


Really I had a small amount of respect for the journalistic integratity for game columnist, but the reaction that the gaming media has had over two technologies that AREN'T EVEN GIVEN A FIRM RELEASE DATE, OR GAMESSSSSS?!?!?!?!111//?!!, is horrendous to me.

I want to quote Gamepro for a prime example of bias media.

The "author" listed Wii Motion+ under "The Bad" portion of Nintendo review, "Wii Motion Plus -
With Nintendo's competitors, Sony and Microsoft, revealing their answers to the Wii's motion sensing technology, we have to say that the Wii Motion Plus is the weakest of the three. Controller-less gaming and the PS3's motion controller look more promising than the Motion Plus, which is generically described as something that will "make the game feel and play more realistically." We'll only know which motion sensing technology feels the best once we get our hands on them, though."

Wii Motion+ comes out this month. There are games that will come bundle with it. Unlike the other two tech there are ACTUALLY games that have been preview & hands-on, by the gaming media, GAMEPRO INCLUDED?!?!?!111//?!!!1


...I like the tech that both Sony and Microsoft showed, but neither one is is ready to be used, and to say they "best" Wii Motion+ without games SPECIFICALLY written for them(HELLO THE IMPORTANT PART) then they are just fallacies right now.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Around the Network

@ Mike from Morgantown: Thanks for that link!

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

MS 9/10
Sony 5/10
Nintendo 6/10

wow, it really pisses me off that when nintendo showed off their AWESOME motion stuff, people laugh, and when M$ shows off their promising-but-not-awesome-yet motion stuff, people just explode like its the best thing since me.

god, i do hate that.


Hypocrisy happens all the time...especially when it comes to people who said they hated motion controls for their traditional games.. yet are jumping all over Natal, which CLEARLY would be a bitch to use in those same traditional Natal has to change to accomodate the needs of gamers who like FPS, action/adventure, etc..

Acevil said:
outlawauron said:
Yeah, it seems the "hardcore" media has accepted Natal.

Which is really funny, this might be the proof people need that video game journalism is "biased".

Game wise I am looking forward to sony and nintendo more than microsoft. So I don't seem to share the same views as these sites. Honestly sony did the most for me this year, which is kinda funny because I was starting to hate sony.

Well, most sites without a dedicated Nintendo person or team is likely to be biased.

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