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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Malstrom: "the whimper of hardcore dreams".

Why does he assume that everyone that owns a PS3 and 360 will welcome and latch onto motion controls? If I wanted motion controls, I would have bought the Wii ages ago (and I did).

I don't see it as the way forward in the industry, particularly if it comes at the cost of the traditional controller (which is why I'm thankful some Wii games support the Gamecube controller). I've always said that who ever choose the traditional controller as the main input system for games next generation will get my money. (It would be amazing if Nintendo were the ones to do it.)

He's argument is also flawed in that he assumes that ALL genres and games (or at least the majority of them) will use these motion controls after it launches, thus ending the "coalition of porting" between the 360, PS3 and PC. MS and Sony never said that these motion controls would replace their take on traditional controls (360 controller and DS3) and since this guy made the assumption that they will replace them, I'm going to assume they won't.

Sony successfully launched the Eyetoy on the PS2 and created a market for games using that platform without interfering with Dual Shock 2 games (and therefore the ability to port to PC). Since we don't know MS and Sony's corporate strategy, we don't know the extent to which these motion controls will be applied. Could be universal or could be for specific genres (RTS, Excercise games, mini game compilations, point and click adventures etc). There's no guarantee (like he assumes in his blog) that these motion controls will have an impact on portability between PC and the HD consoles.

But then again, I don't consider my hardcore, so I guess I'm not who he's talking about.

Also, he is a dick. A few threads about him have popped up since E3 hype started and he's been a dick in all of them.

I've always respected Nintendo "fanboys" because they've got a sense of humility. Yes the Wii is winning, but they've grown up knowing how quickly things can swing, so they don't brag. For all his insight, this idiot doesn't seem to understand that, being a typical fanboy that gloats when he's console of choice is number 1.

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Wow, a lot of name calling in this thread.

Everyone calling this guy a "dick", "twat", "prick", "asshole", "tool" and so many other things are not working to better solidify their stance, in fact where you guys stand now WAS very firm ground except now with all the horrible arguing points presented it seems everyone is standing on their own hot air. To any observer none of you have a point outside of attacking him personally; again this makes it seem like you have nothing to pose against his stance, if that really is the case then the conclusion is he is a very accurate "asshole".

Torllian, the guy runs his own blog, he can get away with whatever he wants to on his own blog, Nintendo fans have nothing to do with that, they arguably did not create Sean Malstrom and they do not sustain him. Unless you believe maybe the content Malstrom provides should not be viewed on this site, or that Nintendo fans on this site should perhaps change their opinion because the man is accurate about this industry but not a boy scout about his delivery.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

dib8rman said:
Wow, a lot of name calling in this thread.

Everyone calling this guy a "dick", "twat", "prick", "asshole", "tool" and so many other things are not working to better solidify their stance, in fact where you guys stand now WAS very firm ground except now with all the horrible arguing points presented it seems everyone is standing on their own hot air. To any observer none of you have a point outside of attacking him personally; again this makes it seem like you have nothing to pose against his stance, if that really is the case then the conclusion is he is a very accurate "asshole".

Torllian, the guy runs his own blog, he can get away with whatever he wants to on his own blog, Nintendo fans have nothing to do with that, they arguably did not create Sean Malstrom and they do not sustain him. Unless you believe maybe the content Malstrom provides should not be viewed on this site, or that Nintendo fans on this site should perhaps change their opinion because the man is accurate about this industry but not a boy scout about his delivery.

Exactly. I mean, this guys a bit like Terrel Owens. Sure, he's an arrogant douche, but does that negate his actual ability?


Again, attack the point, not the person

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

@ dib

People have argued his points. And it goes ignored. You don't think Nintendo fans sustain him? Who in the world do you think links to his articles everytime their up like it's a communication from Obama? Sure as hell isn't me.

His whole argument falls on the idea that PS3 and 360 are going totally motion control next gen. I see nothing that would make me think that. The PS3 and 360 both require an extra addon, and the PSeye in particularly has never been Sony's main focus. Both companies showed some tech demoes. Don't you think it's a little early to herald the death of "hardcore" gaming? Hell, according to many Nintendo fans there is ton of hardcore gaming on the Wii. Are games like Fire Emblem and SMG just going to disappear into the dust once Natal and the Ice Cream Scoop come out?


Hmmmm... Malstrom eh?

Hmmmmm, ok.

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joora said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:


Yes, PS3 owners would never accept last gen graphics, no matter what the gameplay benefit would be. Otherwise, they would own a Wii by now.

Damn right

also, one last point: this guy assumes all hardcore gamers own only HD consoles... not true.You are a hardcore gamers if you play more than 10 hours of video games per week, or if you just consider yourself a videogame aficionado. True hardcore gamers also own more than one of the systems each generation they are apart of. Hardcore gamers are gamers. Unfortunately there are casual gamer posers, and those are the real fanboys.

So malstrom doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. This is all something he invented in his head- this "war" of casuals and hardcore. There is in fact a very thin line that seperates the two. All hardcore gamers start out as casual gamers. I assume you didn't grab a controller strait out of the womb?

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

MontanaHatchet said:
Darc Requiem said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wow. Nintendo fanboys are convinced that fans of the HD consoles hate Malstrom because somehow, we're scared of the truth and his all-knowingness. The truth is that we're not blind and we can see how much of a jerk he is, while Nintendo fanboys just gush over everything he says. If anyone's blind, it's you guys.

Montana the majority of the responses to his article center around how much of a jerk he is. By in large, his points aren't addressed at all. What other impression do you think would be given with that being the case. Malstrom does come off a dick in this article, but saying he is a dick doesn't and nothing else show's that you believe he's right because you can't post a suitable counter argument.

It's because no one really cares about his points. At the end of the day, it's the same shtick over and over. You could just replace entire Malstrom articles with "hardcore gamers are dumb," and it will still have about the same value. Most of his detractors in the thread don't feel like arguing his points. I agree with him anyways; "hardcore gamers" are usually idiots. But his condescending style of writing is simply rotten, and it rubs off on his fans. And it shows (e.g. your post).

I disagree. Malstrom, dick he may be, has been right the majority of the time. All the "hardcore" gamers whining about his articles and ignoring the points he brings up are just proving his characterizations of them. Call the guy a dick, break down his points, and post a decent counter argument. If you aren't going to do that. Ignore any posts or articles by him and stop giving him so much attention.

Darc Requiem said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Darc Requiem said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wow. Nintendo fanboys are convinced that fans of the HD consoles hate Malstrom because somehow, we're scared of the truth and his all-knowingness. The truth is that we're not blind and we can see how much of a jerk he is, while Nintendo fanboys just gush over everything he says. If anyone's blind, it's you guys.

Montana the majority of the responses to his article center around how much of a jerk he is. By in large, his points aren't addressed at all. What other impression do you think would be given with that being the case. Malstrom does come off a dick in this article, but saying he is a dick doesn't and nothing else show's that you believe he's right because you can't post a suitable counter argument.

It's because no one really cares about his points. At the end of the day, it's the same shtick over and over. You could just replace entire Malstrom articles with "hardcore gamers are dumb," and it will still have about the same value. Most of his detractors in the thread don't feel like arguing his points. I agree with him anyways; "hardcore gamers" are usually idiots. But his condescending style of writing is simply rotten, and it rubs off on his fans. And it shows (e.g. your post).

I disagree. Malstrom, dick he may be, has been right the majority of the time. All the "hardcore" gamers whining about his articles and ignoring the points he brings up are just proving his characterizations of them. Call the guy a dick, break down his points, and post a decent counter argument. If you aren't going to do that. Ignore any posts or articles by him and stop giving him so much attention.

He's been right about things...doesn't affect what I'm saying at all. You seem to be missing the points of all my posts, and the ones by others. I'll repeat it in capital letters since you guys don't seem to get the point.


It's like talking to a wall. Whenever we point out how much of a conceited jerk he is, it seems most Nintendo fans just counter by claiming that we can't argue his points. We don't want to; it's just the same drivel over and over. But I'm sick of his articles being posted. They're flamebait half the time, and they're from someone who clearly thinks way too highly of himself. The more attention he gets, the more conceited he becomes. I'd love to ignore his articles if they weren't posted all the time.



yea that was pretty horrible but he had a good point, 3rd parties can't port to all consoles like before. 360's and ps3's motion controls can't really be ported to one another and can't be ported to PC either. Wii to PS3 seems like the only option, but you can guess what the lead platform is gonna be and that's not gonna sit well with PS3 owners.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X