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Why does he assume that everyone that owns a PS3 and 360 will welcome and latch onto motion controls? If I wanted motion controls, I would have bought the Wii ages ago (and I did).

I don't see it as the way forward in the industry, particularly if it comes at the cost of the traditional controller (which is why I'm thankful some Wii games support the Gamecube controller). I've always said that who ever choose the traditional controller as the main input system for games next generation will get my money. (It would be amazing if Nintendo were the ones to do it.)

He's argument is also flawed in that he assumes that ALL genres and games (or at least the majority of them) will use these motion controls after it launches, thus ending the "coalition of porting" between the 360, PS3 and PC. MS and Sony never said that these motion controls would replace their take on traditional controls (360 controller and DS3) and since this guy made the assumption that they will replace them, I'm going to assume they won't.

Sony successfully launched the Eyetoy on the PS2 and created a market for games using that platform without interfering with Dual Shock 2 games (and therefore the ability to port to PC). Since we don't know MS and Sony's corporate strategy, we don't know the extent to which these motion controls will be applied. Could be universal or could be for specific genres (RTS, Excercise games, mini game compilations, point and click adventures etc). There's no guarantee (like he assumes in his blog) that these motion controls will have an impact on portability between PC and the HD consoles.

But then again, I don't consider my hardcore, so I guess I'm not who he's talking about.

Also, he is a dick. A few threads about him have popped up since E3 hype started and he's been a dick in all of them.

I've always respected Nintendo "fanboys" because they've got a sense of humility. Yes the Wii is winning, but they've grown up knowing how quickly things can swing, so they don't brag. For all his insight, this idiot doesn't seem to understand that, being a typical fanboy that gloats when he's console of choice is number 1.