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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My new gaming setup

I have been very busy, but wanted to show yall my new HDTV/gaming setup. I got a Vizio 42" 1080P LCD with 120hz refresh. I have to get another shelf over the PS3 - so I can put games and Blu Rays on that side - and have my HD DVDs over the 360. I have 4 HDMI inputs on the TV, so I have my Dish HD DVR in the middle hooked up as well, and the PS3 and 360 too. Plus, I have a Toshiba or Samsung DVD player in the middle that has HDMI and upconverts stuff. I have my other HD-DVD player upstairs to my 32" LCD.

Under the TV stand, I have a Dell laptop and a VGA cable I hook up to the TV. Wow.

The Wii sits by the LCD and the Wiimotes, controllers and spare HDMI cables are in the center drawer.

Eventually, I'd love to have my games close by but my daughter loves to open the cabinets and dig for stuff.

Hopefully, we'll be out of our townhome and back into a house. Then, the Man Space will be back.

Mods: If this needs to be in off-topic, please move it for me. Thanks.

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NICE thats awesome man gotta love the HD DVDs. I got the HD dvd add on too lol!!! good set up man

Oh and BTW get a different reciever the Dish VIP-622 is known for HDMI port failure its a really bad DVR box. Either get the 722 or wait for the new Badass Slingbox coming out later this year. IMO wait for the Slingbox!!!

Long Live SHIO!

Thanks. I no longer have Dish service, and have free HD channels. I don't need to pay for cable now. Again, thanks for the comment. I want to pick up at 2 HD DVD add ons because I have several reds. I am building my Blu collection, though.

That's a damn fine setup you have there.

You mentioned your Vizio does 120Mhz, I'm curious as to what your opinion is on that. I've only seen it demoed on movies when I go into electronics stores, and sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. Never seen it demoed on a game.

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Nice! We don't get Vizio in my country, are they any good?


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stand is too big for tv. need bigger tv.

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Yea, a bigger TV (Bravia/Samsung/Panasonic) is needed.
However, PS3 + 360 + Wii = Nice

aren't you blocking the intake vents on your PS3 with it being up against the right wall?

edit in more thoughts.

I really like the tv stand/cabnit you have as I think it looks really nice. As for the Vizio good choice for American TVs I have a 3 year old 32" vizio and the only thing I don't like about it is the HDTV tuner broke so now I have to have an external tuner. I want to get either a 50" tv when I buy a house, or get a projector but I haven't made up my mind. I also don't know if I want to stay with Vizio or move on to a higher end product, but I don't know if the extra $ is worth the extra picture quality. In fact, I don't know how much Vizio has improved over 3 years either.

I just recently updated my setup so I'll hijack in here too

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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Vizio? I heard they're okay.

You should place your PS3 somewhere else - the intake on the right barely ahs any space to take air from.


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