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it was a much nicer showing from sony this year, i was actually surprised.

both microsoft and sony easily dominated nintendo, but i would give the edge to microsoft overall.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

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AE86 said:
I was really expecting a price cut or a PS3 slim at the least, was kinda disappointing.

Yeah, but that leak said the slim wouldn't be at E3 and that TGS would be more likely. Report confirmed!

1. Microsoft
2. Nintendo
3. Sony

For me. All three had good shows though I think.

MGS Rising on 360, motion controllers, and 2 new Wii Marios + Team Ninja Metroid Wii were the big surprises.

Sony 8/10
Nintendo 7/10
Microsoft 7/10

Despite having half of it's line up leaked, Sony still put up the best games. Too bad the motion controls gimmick was extremely boring. The Last Guardian, GOW III, GT 5, Uncharted 2, GT PSP, RE PSP, MGS PSP, PSP GO, LBP PSP etc. etc.

No other company comes close.

Even though it's impossible to "win" a gaming conference, I liked Nintendo and Microsoft's showings the most. Nintendo had the most surprises and Microsoft just had a loooot of games. Sony's was the weakest by far.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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The only who surprise me, that's Ninty. The problem of MS and Sony... well, all games I was interested in on X360 and PS3 were heavily rumored. No surprise - no E3. Stiil can't say that Ninty was way ahead of it's competitors even for me. Sony 2nd, MS 3rd.

I'm not going to argue taste. Rather, I'll argue presentation. Nintendo's conference was the most consistently entertaining, and had the fewest awkward moments (even with Cammie presenting). Sure, it had its bad parts, but it was nothing compared to the drawn-out awkwardness of the motion controls Sony and Microsoft showed off. Also, I'll give Nintendo points for not endlessly assaulting us with ridiculously long trailers like Sony and Microsoft did. A shorter conference time really is a blessed thing.



I'd go with MS. Not sure who I'd pick out of Sony and Nintendo. The Wii lineup wasn't particularly impressive for 09 but the DS show was great, but nothing in Sony's conference has convinced me I want a PS3. I'm feeling more inclined towards a PSP Go, though-just not sure if I can justify or afford the £200(ish) cost in October. (Bad time for me life wise, no job and back at uni living off my loan)

2010 is looking very bright, though. I'm most excited for Golden Sun DS, Mass Effect 2, Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M. Though I hope they replace "Other M" with something catchier. Dread, maybe? >_>

I cannot say Sony won, they are tied with MS for first though. Sony bored me to tears during the middle third, but R* exclusive, GT5, Trico, God of War 3, and Metal Gear and GT PSP Made me say "WOW!!!".

So MS + SONY = 9/10, Nintendo = 6/10

Nintendo- 8/10: took two points off for a few slow parts but got most of the points from just collosal announcements and huge surprises

Microsoft- 8/10: had a very steady flowing show with big announcements, but didn't have such a great ending. Megaton of the show was kinda disappointing.

Sony- 8/10: had a very slow beginning and got hurt by the PSP Go being leaked out but even so it's $250 for not that much extra. But picked it up with plenty of new announcements, good demos, etc. Big motion sensing demo was a hit and miss but still good for the brand.

Overall I see it as pretty much a tie. I could give the edge to all 3 of them but I wouldn't know who to pick. They all had big announcements with big surprises and lots of good games. Congrats to all 3 for making this a good E3.