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Nintendo- 8/10: took two points off for a few slow parts but got most of the points from just collosal announcements and huge surprises

Microsoft- 8/10: had a very steady flowing show with big announcements, but didn't have such a great ending. Megaton of the show was kinda disappointing.

Sony- 8/10: had a very slow beginning and got hurt by the PSP Go being leaked out but even so it's $250 for not that much extra. But picked it up with plenty of new announcements, good demos, etc. Big motion sensing demo was a hit and miss but still good for the brand.

Overall I see it as pretty much a tie. I could give the edge to all 3 of them but I wouldn't know who to pick. They all had big announcements with big surprises and lots of good games. Congrats to all 3 for making this a good E3.