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Forums - Sony Discussion - Updated my Amazon Review of the PS3

MikeB said:
sieanr said:
"Now finally the key advantage, the Cell Broadband Engine, the heart of the console. This processor is designed by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM. The Cell is currently the most powerful processor to date, and basic desktop processors are expected to take another 4 or 5 years to match its power. The Cell has been rated to be 12 - 15 times faster than Intel's Core 2 Quad-Extreme."

You've got to be kidding

But whatever, only an idiot would buy a console based on power

The PS3 is not like a PC, when a game like Doom in the past was released many upgraded to the latest and greatest specs, the same so when for example Quake was released and so forth.

Constant one or two year upgrades is not an option for consoles, so for the long run it's IMO good to set great enough specifications with an eye on the future. The PS3 targets a different kind of consumer than for example the Wii does, for the PS3's market segment system power is far more important. Anyhow Sony still offers the PS2 which is cheaper and games like God of War 2 are still amongst the most impressive games available.

 BTW, a nice review ssj12.

Selling on the basis of power didnt help the Xbox 

2) "The Cell has been rated to be 12 - 15 times faster than Intel's Core 2 Quad-Extreme. " - It sounds like it's taken from a crazy fan boy rant and doesn't fit the rest of your review.

Thats because its one arbitrary benchmark, probably floating point.

Saying the Cell is more powerful than a Quad Core Extreme based off of one benchmark is almost as naive as saying desktop CPUs will take 4-5 years to catch up. 

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

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ssj12 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
kn said:
ssj12 said:
I realized that I forgot to update this after I rewrote the multi-disc part a bit.

The first point with the 360 isn't even a pock-shot at it, I was defending the truth that its not going to the 360. The second is meant to be a defense for games on Blu-ray.

I know you are "defending" the MGS4 rumor, but it is considered bad form to do. Being "defensive" just never seems to come off very well in any type of writing as it implies there is some reason to. You are better off just saying something Like: With Confirmed exlusives like: "Uncharted, Ratchet, GT5, MGS4, FF13,..." (then add your color here). Leave it at that.

Same thing for blu-ray. Instead of being defensive and saying something fanboyish like "switching disks is so-last gen and went out with the PS1", you stick with the positive... Again, simply stating that with the increased storage capacity of Blu-Ray, the PS3 can store X times more data than standard DVD9 formats that were used last generation. What does this mean? More space for 7.1 uncompressed, more CGI, more X, More Y, More Z -- in short, a more complete and epic adventure possible -- all on a single disk.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Rather than be defensive, just accentuate the positive and leave it at that. Period. Multi-disk being last gen? No reason to go there. It's fanboyish plain and simple.

Hey kn... this is a review not a PS3 advertisement... or is it?

its a review, if I was to review the 360 id take poke-shots at the PS3's lineup and I technically already did the Wii, I would just need to rewrite a few lines to make it a real review.

KN brings up a very valid point. Telling people that there are rumors of MGS4 going multiplat at all only hurts your position. If this was an article arguing the case for MGS4's exclusivity, then sure, talkt aboud it al you want, but it's not. One of the best things about the ps3, imo, is MGS4's exclusivity, and you should tell it like it is. It IS exclusive. Who cares what rumors are flying around. Bringing them up only makes people think about them more, thus weakening your position.

Overall, I think the review is very well done, albeit some grammatical errors and such occasionally. Props to you, man. :D

Also, anyone who says you can't DL music from PSN, there's already an MP3 track from Lair on there, if I'm not mistaken.