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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 Conference Thread

I thought it was quite an interesting conference. Quite a lot of games announced, although nothing earth shattering as fas as I'm concerned. Most things we're already rumoured to appear, from Project Natal to Metal Gear. I'm not commenting on Project Natal as I will await the final product(s).

Couldn't care less about the Twitter/Facebook stuff though...

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^ Where did you hear about the cost?


but tit is not exclusive or they would have said it ...

Time to Work !

NJ5 said:
steven787 said:
NJ5 said:
steven787 said:
(Reminder PSWii owner) The tech is amazing and MS (and third parties) can probably sell millions of work out games that go way beyond what the Wii can do - making them more appealing to core gaming. The navigating through menus is cool.

What we think of as traditional games, FPS, Shooters, etc. will probably not work quite right BUT new sub-genres can emerge if they design good games for this type of control. I think they will.

BTW, I think RPG and RTS could work quite well with this.

RTS maybe, thought it could get tiring to use your finger as a pointing device for a long time.

RPG, how?


Less tiring than pointing with the Wii Remote. (Did I just commit blasphemy?)

How is it less tiring?

And again, how would you play a RPG with this?


NJ5 have you ever played Dragonball Z: Budokai?  I beat the second on my wii and I could only play for a few hours at a time because my wrists couldn't take any more.  The wiimote isn't exactly ergonomic   And as for an rpg what about gaining experience outside of towns with a controller and in town interact with Natal (first person of course)...




For everyone who is excited about the Natal stuff, take a moment and think about how your favorite games would be controlled with that.

You're likely to conclude that most of them simply wouldn't work without being severely dumbed down.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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I love how we switched from Sony fans purely running damage control to now Nintendo fans desperately playing down Natal cradling their wiimote to their chests whimpering.

I really enjoyed the show personally, I thought Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell and Halo ODST looked amazing, although full judgement will not be passed until I see some better qiality captures.

Forza 3 looked fantastic, I fully expect GT5 to have another boat load of features attached to the "will be added in a patch later" list as they fall further behind.

Alan Wake confirmed as not being vapour ware at last, I don't get those people who dismissed it's graphics earlier in the thread as I very much doubt they're watching a 720p (minimum) capture to make that judgement.

MGS is a big announcement but to be honest I didn't enjoy MGS4 that much so I wasn't fussed either way, still it's good for fans of the series to finally have the choice.

Project Natal was amazing, I didn't expect all the facial/speech recognition and it to be so advanced on full body motion capture. Imagine what a developer could do if they got you to scan your own animation routines into games using this technology. It would take character personalisation to a whole new level. What if they utilize Natal in conjuction with a traditional controller, head tracking for example in racing and shooters. The concepts that the technology offers is staggering and it's quite sad we have so many pathetic fanboys on these site unable to think outside the box. I guess they want gaming to become stagnated with old ideas, Wii was a catalyst for gaming to evolve and Microsoft may have just taken the next huge step.

Finally the live interaction stuff got boring, I think they could have cut a lot of that from the presentation (especially facebook) but I guess it is really another big innovation so it was always going to get air time.

I don't do who won e3 personally but Sony and Nintendo will need good presentations as this was impressive (facebook aside).

Vaza said:
How can anyone say that that was a dud conference? They showed a ton of core games!
- Left 4 Dead 2 (Never expected this so soon!)
- CrackDown 2
- Halo ODST (Graphics seemed well improved with the normal great Halo gameplay)
- Halo: Reach (Yes! A NEW Halo!)
- Alan Wake (Gameplay looked very cool, creepy style)
- Forza 3 (WOW, graphics looked better than GT5)
- Splinter Cell Conviction (Really impressed by the game, looks very cinematic and fun)
- Metal Gear Solid Rising
- Modern Warfare 2 with exclusive DLC (Amazing, can't wait!)

And they also left out one of their big guns - Mass Effect 2. AND announced a lot for the new dashboard update: Last FM, Facebook, Twitter, Zune Marketplace and Sky TV.

And thats not including the motion camera stuff, which even without it in the conference, the show was great!

Left4Dead 2 ok i give you that. Crackdown 2 we need to see more of. Halo ODST looks like it is taking the Halo series sideways or even backwards in every way then forwards. Halo: Reach didnt show much. Alan Wake looked very disapointing and Forza 3 lol. it does not look better then GT5: Prologue never mind the full game

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

it wasnt that amazing,im pretty sure you can just saying anything and itll respond like a normal person. you would need a rediculous amount of voice acting. the proof will come in the game sthat use it which i rekcon are pretty far away (althought first party stuff my be sooner)

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Sardauk said:
superchunk said:
PostModGuru said:
This natal technology just blew my 3 year old up. With the backing of Spielbergo and Peter this technology will be well explored and refined. Give this 3 years and everyone will be trying to duplicate it.

True, but not as a complete video game controller. More of an actual computer input device.

Where the Wiimote+nunchuk can do any genre and a few really really well, this can only do a few. Many genres will not be doable.

However, I would like to see a well done RTS game with this.

Oh yeaah ? Can a nunchuk do voice recognition or map your all body ?

The wii controllers (all of them) feel like a gimmick in comparaison.


I say Project Natal rocks !!... now to deliver...

First off I did not say Natal wasn't a really cool device with a lot of potential to computers as a whole, however, does voice recognition and mapping of your whole body help with most of the gaming genres? No it doesn't.

So my point still stands. As a peice of technology it is really fascinating and will become great in a couple of years with advancements. As a gaming controller, it is actually limited to the genres it will function on.

PostModGuru said:

NJ5 have you ever played Dragonball Z: Budokai?  I beat the second on my wii and I could only play for a few hours at a time because my wrists couldn't take any more.  The wiimote isn't exactly ergonomic   And as for an rpg what about gaining experience outside of towns with a controller and in town interact with Natal (first person of course)...

This takes the worst parts of the Wii Remote like the example you mentioned (or should I say the worst software uses of the Wii Remote), multiplies them and leaves the good parts out. That's what Natal seems to be, with bonus points if it can support some kind of IR-like aiming.

I think it can work great with some very simple games in specific genres, but that's it.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957