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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 Conference Thread

DjFlex53 said:
Stats87 said:
DjFlex53 said:
Stats87 said:
Killzowned said:
MGS hack and slash? Fail.

Fail fail fail.

I wouldn't say fail, but it would be disappointing if the game was just Ninja Gaiden with Raiden. a Kojima game can fail? And all it took was to be on the 360.

And I thought Kojima was a genius...I guess only on a PS3 game is he a genius

Why is everyone so negative?


It has nothing to do with the 360, it has everything to do with that "lightning-bolt action" comment. I would much rather play a Stealth/Action game with Raiden, similar to prior MGS, but just a little more focus on the melee combat.

So a comment can make a game fail? You don't know squat about this game yet but I do know your opinion is console biased.

I never said it was a fail,

Ii said "IF" the game is a Ninja Gaiden clone with Raiden I would be disappointed. Shame on me for preferring a style of game.

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Avinash_Tyagi said:
I think Nintendo is breathing a sigh of relief after seeing NATAL in action, that was about as lame as I thought it would be

Are you kidding me? This is the most awesome thing I've ever seen.

I see myself using my arm to grapple stuff like in Bionic Commando! I hope developers will make good use of this technology, and Microsoft can achieve this for sure (they're billionaires!!!).

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

LEt's see...Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, MGS, Halo...and some clowns are still whining about no games announced...WTF...some people need to get a life...

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

lol :(....

no Gears of War 3, no Fable 3, just a few games... but the motion sense is an excelent idea....

I can't say that I am happy... 6,5/10

steven787 said:
(Reminder PSWii owner) The tech is amazing and MS (and third parties) can probably sell millions of work out games that go way beyond what the Wii can do - making them more appealing to core gaming. The navigating through menus is cool.

What we think of as traditional games, FPS, Shooters, etc. will probably not work quite right BUT new sub-genres can emerge if they design good games for this type of control. I think they will.

BTW, I think RPG and RTS could work quite well with this.

RTS maybe, thought it could get tiring to use your finger as a pointing device for a long time.

RPG, how?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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This conference sent shivers down my spine.

That boy, Milo. If this thing is real, then holy s...

There's no way the other conferences can trump this. No game announcement, piece of hardware, or Anything can beat this. This is 25th century stuff. The kind of thing that science fiction is made of. ACTUAL Artificial Intelligence. AI that really interacts with us. IF this thing is real, then we're really entering a new phase in not only gaming evolution, but technology in general.

Does this mean no more preset moves, no more preset storylines, no more preset characters, no more preset games? EVERYTHING can now change depending on ACTUAL circumstances? IF it works..

Holy christ..

An RTS with this motion thingy would be pretty awesome, assuming that it is very responsive and very fast.

waron said:
it was amazing. for people bashing Mylo thing imagine Rpgs with that kind of technology - this is simply revolution in gaming. imagine any game where you could only chose one of few answers made by developer now you will be able to simply play games your own way.

Well uh, wouldn't you still be limited to what the developer wants considering they have to make the game and program it in a certain way to respond to the things you say?

Right now, this is a whole game(?) based on interacting with one person or at least that's what it looks like. Imagine the work that would have to be done to do the same thing with a whole cast of characters in an RPG.

I'm not saying it's bad though.

outlawauron said:
Ok, I thought the conference was good, but come on now. It wasn't mind blowing in any sense of the word.

For me, I thought the Crackdown 2 part was great and it's nice to see that FFXIII has been given a Spring 2010 release since I feared it may not have hit till the Summer or later.

A solid conference all-around, but nothing that really stood-out. (other then that awful painting)

NJ5 said:
steven787 said:
(Reminder PSWii owner) The tech is amazing and MS (and third parties) can probably sell millions of work out games that go way beyond what the Wii can do - making them more appealing to core gaming. The navigating through menus is cool.

What we think of as traditional games, FPS, Shooters, etc. will probably not work quite right BUT new sub-genres can emerge if they design good games for this type of control. I think they will.

BTW, I think RPG and RTS could work quite well with this.

RTS maybe, thought it could get tiring to use your finger as a pointing device for a long time.

RPG, how?


Less tiring than pointing with the Wii Remote. (Did I just commit blasphemy?)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.