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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

AND THUS Sony fans like me will get hammered by this statement if this FAILS BIG TIME.

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bonkers555 said:
You will be the laughing stock of VgChartz maybe after tomorrow.

Have you ever read any of his other posts?  He can't sink much lower.

I would really really really really really really really like to know answer to this question:

How can 50GB game fit on 9GB disk? Even if game HAD 5 DISKS IT WONT BE POSSIBLE

So much logic in this thread.

I dont even need to pick at the OP


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seece said:
Thechalkblock said:
seece said:
Thechalkblock said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Money speaks louder than words and past quotes, especially in these trying times. Last years FFXIII E3 announcement for the 360 proved, anything is possible this generation.

Even if it is released for the 360 I will still maintain the series on my PS3, but I only hope it goes multi-platform. The more people who can experience the series the better.

We all know Square Enix is as loyal as a mercenary, they'll do anything for money. Kojima is different, even when it would have been a good idea to make MGS4 mult-plat back in the day he didn't do so, and even as times get worse I can't imagine him going against what he has stood for in the past, loyalty.

This puts a frown on my face what do you think these business's exist for?? You're talking as if its a playground full of children.


Konami are a BUSINESS and they're main aim ALWAYS is to make MONEY.

Isn't Kojima in charge of the MGS series for the most part?


Why weren't MGS2 and MGS3 released on Gamecube and Xbox alongside the PS2? Why wasn't MGS4 released on 360 alongside the PS3? Konami would have made more money if they did that, am I right?

No I don't think they would of. Hence why they didn't. A port though ... yes they can make money from that, hence the MGS2 port.

where is the mgs 3  port then?

Check out my game about moles ^

megaman.2. said:

you should have waited before making this statement, if mgs4 or 5 is anounced for the xbox360 today i suggest you leave the site for a year. It will be to embarassing if you stayed.

One of the rare times I agree with Megaman2, the wording made me LOL

jesus kung fu magic said:

Number 2 was a poke at the disk-swapping of older mgs games , not at the 360.

Really? I've never heard this suggested before. Not saying you're wrong; just that I've only ever seen people interpret it as a slur towards DVDs vs the greater capacity of BR.

As for OP's 8th point, Sony may not have paid directly for MGS4 exclusivity, but they sure as hell secured it as a PS3-only title by offering to pay for the TV advertising on Konami's behalf, etc.

Another day, another idiotic fanboy who seems to feel the need to state the obvious yet again.

*sigh*. This whole thread is a giant fail.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

There were a few PS3 controllers, systems, and apple computers in MGS4.  a straight port would never sit well with anyone.  1st off, it's going to have to be downgraded, put on a few discs, and references to apple and ps3 will have to be change with Xbox, and windows.  And what do you do with the PSX reference and memory cards, and Controllers made by Psyco Mantis?  One thing people seem to be forgetting about MGS is that the PS2 wasn't as powerful as the gamecube or the Xbox.  So, upgrades and new features were possible.

But, seeing as the PS3 is already the strongest, a port to the 360 would lead to things being gimped, or skipped altogether.  It wouldn't sit well with people, and thus, costs for the game wouldn't be worth it.  It's been almost a year, why take the couple of years or maybe 3 it would take to port the game, fix bugs, and re-do some voice over work for a game that wont reach 2 million sales.

I mean, who in their right minds wants a 3 disc MGS4 with downgrades?  Also, the DUAL SHOCK 3 controller is required for the weapons that require use of the SIXAXIS.  And how easily would snakes camo suit work?

Lastly, everyone knows about the long, 40 minute cut scene in Europe that demands a lot of power from the system.  All those soilders and what-not.. And.. who's gonna buy the game?  People that already own in on PS3? No.  People with 360s who've played and beaten the game on PS3 already?  Probably not.  Just those cheap people who can't afford a PS3 while at the same time wants MGS...  those aren't good numbers..

You don't see me asking for Gears of War... or Halo..  Don't ask for my MGS4.