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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

PlayStation had FMV... N64 did not.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

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Feniris said:

Hey, the new countdown timer on Kojima Productions "Next" site now flashes an "8". Also, it's sunny. Finally, the new countdown ends appx. 14 hours of me posting this message, which in turn is appx. one hour an a half after the Microsoft pressor is set to end. Make of that what you will.

It will just turn into a new timer.... that ends during the Ps3 conference

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

They killed everyone. No one was spared... not the women nor children.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
This thread is quite amusing.

OP is especially amusing. He seems like your typical desperate 14yo fanboy if you ask me.

but what do i know? =)

To sum up the thread:

"Well, he's got balls..."


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Thing is everyone saying,"What are you gonna do if your proven wrong tonight?"
What if he's proven right?, Fair play mate I agree with you on this one, its been said time and time again "oh its coming to the 360" They hang on to any bit of hope, even they I phone thing, god that must have been embarrassing for them and you'd have though maybe they'd have finally understood it ain't coming to 360,

I don't get why people want it to either I understand when I want to play mass effect/Gears i have to plug in my xbox, and i understand if i want to play mgs/uncharted/lbp I have to plug in my playstation, consoles need exclusives other wise theirs no particular reason to buy a specific console, just because final fantasy 13 was said to be ported to 360, the fans think there getting everything now well grow up, you wanna play MGS? go buy a playstation......

@Business guys: It's all business, yet Kojima has made games exclusively on Sony systems. Argument countered - while generally true, doesn't apply here very well.

@OP: Did you really have to make this thread? MGS4 is too old to matter any more, and the new game will be revealed soon anyway. Also, there's nothing stopping the new game from being multiplatform, especially with Konami putting pressure on Kojima. I do believe it's exclusive to a Sony system, however I don't think any other platforms are impossible either.

Hideo Kojima is a personal friend of Shigeru Miyamoto. He's not a Sony fanboy.

MazeMe said:
Hideo Kojima is a personal friend of Shigeru Miyamoto. He's not a Sony fanboy.

Yeah and going down to personally test Sora's Super Smash Brothers Brawl... fanboy indeed.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Never interested in MGS series.... And I really dislike that guy, he should be focus on producing games instead of doing all those tricks in public. ANNOYING!!