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Thing is everyone saying,"What are you gonna do if your proven wrong tonight?"
What if he's proven right?, Fair play mate I agree with you on this one, its been said time and time again "oh its coming to the 360" They hang on to any bit of hope, even they I phone thing, god that must have been embarrassing for them and you'd have though maybe they'd have finally understood it ain't coming to 360,

I don't get why people want it to either I understand when I want to play mass effect/Gears i have to plug in my xbox, and i understand if i want to play mgs/uncharted/lbp I have to plug in my playstation, consoles need exclusives other wise theirs no particular reason to buy a specific console, just because final fantasy 13 was said to be ported to 360, the fans think there getting everything now well grow up, you wanna play MGS? go buy a playstation......