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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

richardhutnik said:
saicho said:
infamous8 said:
Are you guys retarded?

Claiming ownage when you dont know anything about the game. For all we know it could be a tetris-like puzzle game.

Once again. Just wait til MGS 5 is announced tommorow.

Metal Gear Raiden will be seen as nothing more than an offshoot.

But it's called Metal Gear Solid Rising though...

so if MGS 5 is not announced tomorrow, does that prove Kojima is no longer a Sony fanboy?

That, and also I belove Kojima said he is done with Snake as a character.  He isn't doing any more with him in it.  Rising looks to be the next game in the Metal Gear Solid storyline, making infamous8 look beyond stupid.

infamous8, do you promise to have yourself banned from here, if there is no MGS5 and this is the next game in the series?  This looks like the main series to me.  Why would it have Metal Gear Solid in its name, if it wasn't?

Metal Gear Solid Acid- had a clone of snake and wasnt the main story in fact is not canon.


OT. but the question is , is it tactical spionage action???? if it is , is metal gear solid, if not is a spin off

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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richardhutnik said:
saicho said:
infamous8 said:
Are you guys retarded?

Claiming ownage when you dont know anything about the game. For all we know it could be a tetris-like puzzle game.

Once again. Just wait til MGS 5 is announced tommorow.

Metal Gear Raiden will be seen as nothing more than an offshoot.

But it's called Metal Gear Solid Rising though...

so if MGS 5 is not announced tomorrow, does that prove Kojima is no longer a Sony fanboy?

That, and also I belove Kojima said he is done with Snake as a character.  He isn't doing any more with him in it.  Rising looks to be the next game in the Metal Gear Solid storyline, making infamous8 look beyond stupid.

infamous8, do you promise to have yourself banned from here, if there is no MGS5 and this is the next game in the series?  This looks like the main series to me.  Why would it have Metal Gear Solid in its name, if it wasn't?

In additon, Kojima himself said

1. Metal Gear Solid franchise is coming to Xbox 360

2. Next major release will be called Metal Gear Solid Rising.

infamous8, are you implying the next major release for Metal Gear Solid franchise is a tetris-like puzzle game?

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

While in denial, people say stupid things to make them seem correct.  He only feeding his own head with lies because he's such a giant fan boy.  I bet his heart dropped when he herd the "!" sound effect at the E3 conference if he watched it.  Then, the selective hearing began, so he never heard him say the series was coming to 360.

s1lverFoX said:

i registered just to tell this guy he was complete fail



You just made my day!

OT: It should be noted though that MGS:R sounds like a spin-off... rather than part of the main series.

4 ≈ One

I don't why the 360 fans are being so "in your face ps3 fanboys", a lot of ps3 fans predicted the next MGS to be multiplat, but their point was that MGS4 will stay an exclusive which it is to this day.

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Guys...the title says MAIN series... MG rising isnt the MAIN series.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

Burning Typhoon said:

You're just in denial.. Ah well, you're just digging a deeper whole of ownage for yourself.  Yeah, like I said, it would be weird for PS3 to be missing an MGS game, and we DID see big boss and Raiden.  However, we've just seen that Raidens on Xbox, and we know that PSP is getting a new MGS game.  Will the PS3 be left out because of lack of sold units?  Or.... who knows?  Maybe the PSP game is also goming to PS3, and Maybe MGR is too..  we'll see.

If the PS3 is left out of an MGS game because of "lack of units sold" then please explain why MGS4 was released exclusively, when the userbase was much smaller no doubt, and went on to sell 4.75M copies (according to Konami)?

I'm sick of people tossing around the PS3 userbase as a means to bash it, in some way or another. There is a difference between the words "low" and "lower". Low is an absolute, and can have a definite description. Lower is relative.

axumblade said:
BladeOfGod said:
I don't why the 360 fans are being so "in your face ps3 fanboys", a lot of ps3 fans predicted the next MGS to be multiplat, but their point was that MGS4 will stay an exclusive which it is to this day.

It's just this thread that was created just to "spite" 360 fans but it ended up backfiring.

And really that's what the internet is about making fun of people who are wrong and porn...but that's another thing..

Former something....

Hey OP, just take your shame and leave

Talk about setting yourself up...