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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2 years old stabbing 5 months old, police blame... violent video games

hackles said:

what can wii fit do?

it doesnt have violence

it was a joke...

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/\ oh /\

blame disney channel!!

So this two year old was playing violent video games AND he has a knife.......AND he's two years old? Some police officers are so stupid. I seriously mean this. WTF? If a two year old does something like this, then the cause of this problem goes far beyond the "scapegoat" that is video games.

I'm surprised no one has ever pinned the blame on water guns... They're more readily accessible (and even targeted) at younger ages and actually more realistically model the process of loading, aiming and shooting a gun. You can't practice your aim in a video game or even reload in a half realistic way (besides flicking your wrist on the Wii in some games - but usually the games are blamed like Halo, Counter-Strike, CoD) . If people are going to blame video games I say we as gamers should pin the blame on water guns! Let's make a stand! Who's with me?!

... Okay... I guess I'll go back to sitting quietly in threads like this... :P


Edit: Also, I realize this was a stabbing incident but you kind of get my point. Everyone instantly jumping to the video game conclusion is ridiculous. The individual committing the act of violence is psychologically predisposed to having problems controlling their emotions in the first place. I might actually think as video games as being an outlet possibly keeping them from bursting out or at least delaying their inevitable act of foolishness.

O....M....G... Like, common, how far can human stupidity go? o_0

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Galaki said:

Do police not needed to pass stupidity test to be qualified?

They never did. Police are atheletes who never got accepted to college or made it into the pros. Ever deal with a state trooper in the US before? They're at the top of this list. They take the cake for "over-aggressive arsehole"

We don't need police, we just need to have everyone carry a weapon. There's an old expression - "An armed society is a polite society". Im no NRA gun nut, but there's truth in those words.

Sorry for the rant, back on point, how are a 2 year old and a 5 month old left in a room unsupervised? If anything, blame poor parent supervision.



d21lewis said:
So this two year old was playing violent video games AND he has a knife.......AND he's two years old? Some police officers are so stupid. I seriously mean this. WTF? If a two year old does something like this, then the cause of this problem goes far beyond the "scapegoat" that is video games.

It was easier to use that to finish their report so they can hurry and get their donuts, cerdos gordos.

Actually, bardicverse (until I had to type your name, I've been calling you "bacardi" verse!) up until a week ago, I was a cop! I don't think I fit your stereotype, but I definitely know many officers that do. I think it's the downside of giving a guy a couple of months training, a gun, and permission to speed fast, and telling him "okay. You have the power to do whatever you want, just make sure you only do good".

I think our society DEFINITELY needs police. Just the presence of a police car is enough to deter some crime. I just think that a lot of people who get the job aren't the kind of people who should have the job.

d21lewis said:
Actually, bardicverse (until I had to type your name, I've been calling you "bacardi" verse!) up until a week ago, I was a cop! I don't think I fit your stereotype, but I definitely know many officers that do. I think it's the downside of giving a guy a couple of months training, a gun, and permission to speed fast, and telling him "okay. You have the power to do whatever you want, just make sure you only do good".

I think our society DEFINITELY needs police. Just the presence of a police car is enough to deter some crime. I just think that a lot of people who get the job aren't the kind of people who should have the job.



So what happened? Did I missed the thread ? :| Seriously, why arent you a cop anymore? :|

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

d21lewis said:
Actually, bardicverse (until I had to type your name, I've been calling you "bacardi" verse!) up until a week ago, I was a cop! I don't think I fit your stereotype, but I definitely know many officers that do. I think it's the downside of giving a guy a couple of months training, a gun, and permission to speed fast, and telling him "okay. You have the power to do whatever you want, just make sure you only do good".

I think our society DEFINITELY needs police. Just the presence of a police car is enough to deter some crime. I just think that a lot of people who get the job aren't the kind of people who should have the job.

Yeah, I know! Everytime you typed my username, I wanted rum lol

And admittedly, it is a gross overgeneralization, not everyone fits that stereotype, but GOD there's a lot of them that do, as you said. I actually know a few policemen that are legit guys. That said, growing up in NYC, Ive seen a LOT of crooked cops, or ones powertripping.